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March 25, 2013


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buona sicuramente, e bello il metodo di cottura dei fagioli….aspetto la prossima puntata ^___^

Alicia (foodycat)

That does sound very tasty! I don't know anything about Romanian food!


Simona mi piace molto la tua ricetta, l'idea del aneto te la copio.
Grazie per aver partecipato.


Simona yesterday only I was looking at a packet of mixed beans in supermarket and wondering what can be done with it?! This looks like a very tasty and healthy spread!! Will try soon!

Renard Moreau

[ Smiles ] I LOVE your recipe!


I have the bread. Now, I need to make this delicious-sounding spread. Yum!

Bread and Companatico

YES!! I would like it A LOT!!! Always looking for new spreads to match with bread. this is going to be made very soon... but I will have to cook my own beans, had bad experiences lately with canned legumes (which is a pity cause I love legumes). thank you for this exotic and super tasty spread!

Simona Carini

Grazie Martissima. La prossima puntata sara' tra qualche giorno :)

Ciao Alicia. All I know is what I've read recently. That's the cool thing about the Abbecedario: it makes me learn about cuisines I am unfamiliar with.

Grazie a te, Cristina.

I recommend it, Ami. We ate it fast and I will make more soon.

Thank you, Renard. I am glad you like it.

I recommend it Paz. You can make this midnight ;)

Barbara, this would go well with any of your beautiful breads. And yes, definitely cook your own beans. Once you try, you'll never go back to canned.

Lori Lynn

Sounds delicious. Especially like the caramelized shallots on top.

Simona Carini

It is, Lori Lynn. For the second batch I made, I doubled the quantities, so it will last a bit longer than the first one.


Sounds delicious! I've actually made something very similar that I 'made up'—or at least I thought I had... I guess there's nothing new under the sun.

Simona Carini

We are working on yet another batch now. I like that it has a lot of flavor but it is not heavy. Also, by using different herbs you can get a slightly different nuance.

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