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February 28, 2013


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One Day At A Time

Oh delicious! If I were to use sausages, would I add them at the end? I happen to have some linguisa in my fridge.

Simona Carini

Hi Robin. You would add them at the beginning. However, I have read various versions of this step. If I were to use sausage, I'd cook them in a bit of oil to let them release some fat, then remove them from the pot and cook the onion in the fat they released. When it's time to puree the soup, I would add some of the sausage back and leave behind a few pieces to add to the bowls when serving the soup. I hope this makes sense. Let me know if you try.

Frank @Memorie di Angelina

I haven't had caldo verde in years—many years, since the last time I ate it was in college. I went to school in Providence, RI, where there was a large Portuguese community close by the school. The restaurants there were good and cheap, perfect for a student budget. Caldo verde was one of my favorites… thanks for the memories!

I do like your recipe. Shows that you can eat hearty *and* healthy at the same time. Although I have to say, I would be tempted to add sausages… ;=)

Deb in Hawaii

Caldo Verde is such a delicious and satisfying soup! I like your no-meat version. ;-) Thanks for sharing it with Souper Sundays.


Davvero deliziosa questa tua interpretazione del Caldo Verde!
Grazie infinite, la aggiungo alla lista delle portate portoghesi!
Se sei d'accordo, potresti destinare all'Abbecedario anche la tua splendida caldeirada!
Un abbraccio

Simona Carini

Thank you, Frank, for sharing your memories. Knowing about your association with caldo verde, I understand the temptation :)

You are welcome, Deb!

Piacere mio, Patrizia. E aggoungero' il logo dell'Abbecedario alla caldeirada. Si vede che mi piacciono le zuppe.

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