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February 24, 2013


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Alicia (foodycat)

This is so interesting! Not an appetising colour but the smokey flavour sounds so intriguing!


Lately I have wanted to add Puglia to my list of places to visit in Italy. This flour sounds like a treasure.

Simona Carini

Ciao Alicia. It is. I wish I could say that the flour is more widely available.

You may want to consider visiting Puglia the next time you go to Italy, Val. I wish I could spend some time there too.

A Canadian Foodie

I love learning new things and really appreciate this story about this special flour and treasured pasta made with it. How did it taste? You describe the flour as nutty and a little smoky - but I missed the description of the taste and texture of the pasta you made with it.


What a wonderful fairy! You are right: Your pasta looks pretty in monochrome. :-)


Hi Simona. As I wrote on Facebook this is very interesting and would like to try this kind of flour.


There are so many interesting flours to try - this sounds delicious - and the color with purple broccoli sprouts.... So many foods; so little time!

Simona Carini

Hi Valerie. You are right, I didn't go into too much details about the pasta. I am planning another post about it soon. I say that it has a delicate nutty tone, which is true, hence my recommendation to choose a light sauce.

Thank you, Paz.

Ciao Ivy. Considering how close Greece is to Puglia, you may find some. Let me know if you do. Otherwise, we'll all have to go to Puglia to get it ;)

You are right, Katie! On the other hand, it's nice to think that around every corner there is something new to try.

diary of a tomato

Grazie per le gentili parole, e stato un piacere, da un cuoco ad un altro! I'm glad you enjoyed using the grano arso, and the combination with the sprouting broccoli sounds perfect — I can taste it from here!

Simona Carini

I picked some more sprouting broccoli and will make some more orecchiette soon. In the meantime, I made a little experiment inspired by something you wrote in your post. More details soon ;) Grazie, grazie.

Vendo Specialità Pugliesi

Se vi serve la FARINA DI GRANO ARSO la vendo io...

Simona Carini

Lascio questo commento nel caso qualcuno sia interessato a contattare la persona che lo ha scritto attraverso la sua pagina FB. Non ho nessun rapporto commerciale con questa ditta e non ho esperienza diretta del loro prodotto. Se qualcuno decide di acquistare del grano arso attraverso questo canale, per favore, fatemi sapere che cosa ne pensate.

I am leaving this comment in case some of you may be interested in contacting the person who wrote it through their FB page. I don't have any business relationship with this firm and neither do I have first-hand experience of their product. If any of you decides to buy farina di grano arso through this channel, please let me know about your experience. I was told that they ship to Canada.

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