I usually start my announcement of a new edition of Novel Food by sharing the title of the book I am currently reading. This time, instead, I am showing you a book I just made. In January, I attended a nice workshop taught by artist Jill Berry where I learned to make a Spontaneous Deconstructed Journal. When I left for Austin to attend the LongHouse Food Revival, I carried in my bag a set of pages and various writing and drawing tools. I wrote and drew and marked the pages while I was in Austin and also collected material to add to them later. A few days ago, I completed the pages and bound the journal: voilà!
Almost everything I did, saw and listened to during my stay in Austin is recorded in the journal, so in the future, I can go back to it to remind myself of events, people, places, words.
And now on to the business of the day: I am hereby announcing a new edition of Novel Food, the culinary/literary event that Lisa of Champaign Taste and I started in the fall of 2007. I am now carrying the torch. I am a bookworm and this event is really close to my heart as it brings together two of my passions, as does the other lovely culinary/literary event I am involved with, Cook the Books.
Every edition of Novel Food is a little voyage of literary discovery, as you learn about literary works new to you, and it is also a delightful banquet made up of the literary-inspired dishes contributed by the event's participants.
I hope you will join the party. I am looking forward to learning about a published literary work (a novel, novella, short story, memoir, bio, poem, etc.) that provided you with culinary inspiration.
Here are the simple rules for participating in Novel Food:
- Prepare a dish of your choosing that has a connection to a published literary work (novel, novella, short story, memoir, bio, poem).
- Publish a post about it on your blog by the end of Sunday March 24, 2013 (midnight, Pacific Time), referencing the Novel Food event. Include a link to this announcement. If you wish, you can use the Novel Food logo.
- Send an e-mail to simosite AT mac DOT com and include your name, blog name and blog address, and a permanent link to your post. Please, include the words "Novel Food" in the email subject, so I can more easily retrieve the message in my inbox.
- Non-English submissions are fine. If possible, include an introduction in English.
If you don't have a blog, send me an email telling us about the dish, the literary work that inspired it, and, if you have it, a picture of what you made: I will add it to the roundup as well.
Note #1: If you don't receive an answer to your email or a comment on your post within two days of sending me the email, please contact me again: sometimes email messages get lost in cyberspace.
Note #2: If you follow this link, you will be able to browse my portion of the roundup of all previous editions. In relevant posts, you will find a link to Lisa's portion of the roundup.
Very cool-looking journal. Even cooler that you made it! ;-)
Yay to Novel Food!
Posted by: Paz | February 21, 2013 at 11:58 PM
I am looking forward to the edition of "Novel Food"!
Thank you for for the link to "Spontaneous Deconstructed Journal" - terrific idea! Your journal looks great!
Posted by: Merisi in Vienna | February 22, 2013 at 12:17 AM
Thanks for the journal inspiration, perfect for an upcoming trip to Iceland!
Posted by: diary of a tomato | February 22, 2013 at 06:16 AM
Thank you, Paz. I hope you'll join the party.
Grazie, Merisi :)
Ciao Debra. Interesting destination. I have never been, but I am fond of Northern countries, so I suspect I would like it.
Posted by: Simona Carini | February 22, 2013 at 09:05 AM
Love the photo of your journal Simona! How fun!
Posted by: Lori Lynn | February 23, 2013 at 11:29 AM
Prospective participants might find food for thought (pun intended) in this book I recently found at the library: The Hungry ear: poems of food and drink, edited by Kevin Young.
Here for example is a snippet from a poem about ossobuco:
I love the sound of the bone against the plate/and the fortress-like look of it/lying before me in a moat of risotto,/the meat soft as the leg of an angel/who has lived a purely airborne existence.
On a less transcendent note, there is also an ode to pork. Can't argue with that.
Posted by: Cynthia | February 24, 2013 at 06:34 PM
Thanks, Lori Lynn!
Thank you Cynthia for your note. Two other people have mentioned this book to me, so I am aware of its existence and I am very curious to take a look at it. That's a nice quote. It reminds me of Milan.
Posted by: Simona Carini | February 24, 2013 at 10:37 PM
Yay! Book and recipe all set to go!
Your book is pretty nifty--I may have to give that project a try myself!
Posted by: ruhama | February 25, 2013 at 12:25 PM
Excellent! I'm on board... Love your journal, too. Sweet!
Posted by: Rachel | February 26, 2013 at 01:55 PM
Love this idea, I may put one together for recipes with drawings of ingredients as I like to doodle :) We love your site, keep up the great work, thanks so much for all you share.
Posted by: Fontana Forni | February 26, 2013 at 08:18 PM
Simona I love the way your journal turned out! And feel honored to watch it in the making. I will be joining the March Novel Foods too! cathy
Posted by: Delaware Girl Eats | February 28, 2013 at 10:55 AM
Ciao Ruhama. I am sure you'd like the journal project. You are so organized! I can't wait to see what you chose for us this time.
Great, Rachel!
Drawings of ingredients sound very nice. Looking forward to see them.
Thanks, Cathy. You are in there too: I have a drawing of the table during the Saturday workshop. I am so glad you are planning to participate!
Posted by: Simona Carini | February 28, 2013 at 01:36 PM
Ciao Simona, che bella iniziativa questa del libro che ispira un piatto! Io adoro leggere,ora sto giusto leggendo "Vino, patate e mele rosse"...chissà
A presto :)
Posted by: lucia | March 11, 2013 at 02:02 PM
Ciao Lucia. Un titolo davvero interessante: sembra una sfida. Che cosa puoi preparare con questi tre ingredienti? Se riesci a partecipare mi farebbe molto piacere.
Posted by: Simona Carini | March 11, 2013 at 09:52 PM
Non so ancora, sto aspettando l'ispirazione...ma la ricetta può essere qualcosa ispirata anche da uno solo degli ingredienti del libro?
Posted by: Lucia | March 13, 2013 at 01:30 PM
Ciao Lucia. Temo che la mia domanda abbia confuso le idee: perdonami, la mia non voleva essere una richiesta. Il termine ispirazione e' volutamente lasciato imprecisato nel senso che l'ispirazione puo' prendere la forma che vuole: da un piatto descritto ad un ingrediente ad una localita' ad un'associazione di idee. Spero che questo chiarisca un po' l'evento. Fammi pure tutte le domande che vuoi.
Posted by: Simona Carini | March 13, 2013 at 01:40 PM