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February 21, 2013


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Very cool-looking journal. Even cooler that you made it! ;-)

Yay to Novel Food!

Merisi in Vienna

I am looking forward to the edition of "Novel Food"!

Thank you for for the link to "Spontaneous Deconstructed Journal" - terrific idea! Your journal looks great!


diary of a tomato

Thanks for the journal inspiration, perfect for an upcoming trip to Iceland!

Simona Carini

Thank you, Paz. I hope you'll join the party.

Grazie, Merisi :)

Ciao Debra. Interesting destination. I have never been, but I am fond of Northern countries, so I suspect I would like it.

Lori Lynn

Love the photo of your journal Simona! How fun!


Prospective participants might find food for thought (pun intended) in this book I recently found at the library: The Hungry ear: poems of food and drink, edited by Kevin Young.

Here for example is a snippet from a poem about ossobuco:

I love the sound of the bone against the plate/and the fortress-like look of it/lying before me in a moat of risotto,/the meat soft as the leg of an angel/who has lived a purely airborne existence.

On a less transcendent note, there is also an ode to pork. Can't argue with that.

Simona Carini

Thanks, Lori Lynn!

Thank you Cynthia for your note. Two other people have mentioned this book to me, so I am aware of its existence and I am very curious to take a look at it. That's a nice quote. It reminds me of Milan.


Yay! Book and recipe all set to go!

Your book is pretty nifty--I may have to give that project a try myself!


Excellent! I'm on board... Love your journal, too. Sweet!

Fontana Forni

Love this idea, I may put one together for recipes with drawings of ingredients as I like to doodle :) We love your site, keep up the great work, thanks so much for all you share.

Delaware Girl Eats

Simona I love the way your journal turned out! And feel honored to watch it in the making. I will be joining the March Novel Foods too! cathy

Simona Carini

Ciao Ruhama. I am sure you'd like the journal project. You are so organized! I can't wait to see what you chose for us this time.

Great, Rachel!

Drawings of ingredients sound very nice. Looking forward to see them.

Thanks, Cathy. You are in there too: I have a drawing of the table during the Saturday workshop. I am so glad you are planning to participate!


Ciao Simona, che bella iniziativa questa del libro che ispira un piatto! Io adoro leggere,ora sto giusto leggendo "Vino, patate e mele rosse"...chissà
A presto :)

Simona Carini

Ciao Lucia. Un titolo davvero interessante: sembra una sfida. Che cosa puoi preparare con questi tre ingredienti? Se riesci a partecipare mi farebbe molto piacere.


Non so ancora, sto aspettando l'ispirazione...ma la ricetta può essere qualcosa ispirata anche da uno solo degli ingredienti del libro?

Simona Carini

Ciao Lucia. Temo che la mia domanda abbia confuso le idee: perdonami, la mia non voleva essere una richiesta. Il termine ispirazione e' volutamente lasciato imprecisato nel senso che l'ispirazione puo' prendere la forma che vuole: da un piatto descritto ad un ingrediente ad una localita' ad un'associazione di idee. Spero che questo chiarisca un po' l'evento. Fammi pure tutte le domande che vuoi.

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