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January 25, 2013


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How very interesting -- both the Paul's mix and the idea of a bean gratin. I've never tasted that before.

Frank @Memorie di Angelina

Beans with a crust… sounds scrumptious! Nice to find dishes that are both hearty and healthy.


Beautiful beans, Simona. Can't beat their texture and taste when they are cooked from a dry state, rather than bought canned and used that way. Of couse the latter is faster, but it lacks in that extra spedial taste!

Simona Carini

Ciao Paz. I recommend giving this dish a try to both bean lovers and people who are not quite convinced by beans.

Indeed, Frank.

I agree with you completely, Ana. Once you start preparing beans from scratch, you discover a whole new world.


We love beans! I don't have the variety that you do... This looks and sounds fantastic! Love sage and rosemary - and have both fresh!

Simona Carini

Hi Katie. If the recipe appeals to you, you can try using cannellini, which are called for in the original. Hurrah! for fresh herbs: they really make a difference. And rosemary and sage are quite easy to grow. In fact, I have to prune my rosemary bush often, or it would take up the whole herb garden.

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