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December 03, 2012


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What a beautiful round up Simona! I love the way you have showcased them, saying something about each of these entries :)


What a lovely, tasty, colorful and interesting round up!
Congrats to the winners, and thank you for hosting us.

janet @ the taste space

Lovely round-up... bean-centric meals are more common in my kitchen now that the weather is turning cooler. Lots of great ideas here!


It's great to see many legume-based soups and stews, just in time for the cold weather here. Thanks for the round up.

Simona Carini

Thanks so much to all of you for your kind words. I am glad you enjoyed the roundup. It was a great pleasure to read your contributions.


thank you so much for hosting, dear Simona, great recap with so much color and taste! :-)


Passo a salutarti per ringraziarti ancora e sempre per il bellissimo viaggio che abbiamo fatto assieme e per ricordarti che non sarebbe stato lo stesso senza di te! Un riassunto di tutto il viaggio si trova qui: http://muvara.blogspot.com.es/2012/12/tutti-i-numeri-dellabbecedario.html...ma già lo sai :-)

A presto!


I don't think I've ever seen so many wonderful legume dishes! Gorgeous photos, too! I'm pleased I won! I hardly ever win anything! Congratulations to Jiya on winning the cookbook. Thanks for hosting this superb roundup!


I want to make all of these!

Simona Carini

You are welcome, Cinzia.

Ciao Aiu' e grazie della visita. Magari l'economia avesse questi bei numeri ;)

Hi Lynne: congratulations! Not bad for your first time. You'll get a nice stash of legume for many more MLLA posts ;)

I am glad you like them all, Cathy.

Jiya Jesh

lovely roundup Simona and thanks for hosting! so many legume dishes with amazing photos. this is the first time i'm winning something since i started my food blog and is a lovely surprise. thanks Lynne and congratulations!

My Italian Smörgåsbord

thank you Simona for the excellent work in this roundup! I bookmarked most of the recipe, too good not to try soon!

Simona Carini

Thanks Jiya and Barbara!


I'm up well before dawn, pondering a bit of breakfast...and I land here. Granted my eyes are bigger than my empty stomach, but everything looks so darned good that I'd like to try everything as a buffet. : }

Thank you very much, Simona, for hosting.


A beautiful roundup! Everything looks ever so scrumptious.



Simona Carini

I see what you mean, Susan. I am waiting for the day when we are able to do an actual buffet with our roundups. You are more than welcome: as usual, it was a pleasure.

Thanks, Rosa!

diary of a tomato

Thanks so much for including me in with this esteemed group of bean-lovers!

Simona Carini

You are welcome, Debra. Thanks for joining us for the event.

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