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November 25, 2012


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My Italian Smörgåsbord

these look like lot of fun!
and, as usual (I am not even surprised anymore), you read my mind with this recipe using chestnut flour. would you believe that I have just ordered 3 packages from an online retailer? I have been longing for chestnut flour for ages and could not find it in any shop... but internet is magical :)
questi li faccio di sicuro. devo solo trovare il tempo. bacioni e grazie per le tue paste meravigliose

A Canadian Foodie

What an incredible treat! I have never had chestnut pasta, but have some flour and am thinking this would be really a fun way to spend my morning!


Great post. I am wondering if I can use rice flour to make it all Gluten free. Love your recipes.


Hi- I so love your blog. Thank you.
Could you, one more time help me to make a high quality ricotta. My local store does not carry what I saw in Italy, and I cannot find anyplace to get it. I can cook, so perhaps with some help I might make that lovely cheese.

thank you

Simona Carini

Ciao Barbara. I am now curious to see what you'll make with your flour. A friend of mine also purchased it online and gave me some, so soon I'll be trying a different kind.

Ciao Valerie. If you have the flour, I'd recommend you give this pasta a try: it's fun and has a different flavor.

Hi Miranda and thanks for your kind words. I am not an expert on GF foods. I took a quick look on the web and the recipes I have found all use eggs to bind the GF flours of choice. If you decide to try, make a small amount of dough (using 1 egg) and see how it works out when you try to shape it. And if you try, let me know how it goes.

Hi Judith and thanks for your kind words. You are right, the ricotta you find in Italy is truly special. Ricotta is made using the whey left over from making certain types of cheese, so to make ricotta one must make cheese first, which is what I do. The vast majority of what is sold as ricotta in the US is a fresh cheese made with milk, so it is not true ricotta. You can check the ingredient list to verify. Four years ago, I decided that I really wanted to make ricotta and so I started making cheese. I am in love with the whole process, so wise and respectful of the resource called milk. I realize this is not a particularly easy answer, but I'd be happy to provide you with more details, if you are interested.


this is really lovely Simona - one of my goals for 2012 was to learn to make pasta; then i found out i cannot tolerate wheat. but am determined to make GF pasta in 2013 - will let you know how i do!! (((hugs)))


Ciao Simona, i tuoi strascinati sono fantastici e l'idea dei semini di papavero grandiosa, io di pasta ne faccio parecchia, sono emiliana, ma gli strascinati mai provati...sono bellissimi e sono sicura che raccolgono il sugo a meraviglia..complimenti! Devo assaggiarli!

Simona Carini

Hi Debra. I am also interested in learning to make GF pasta. My brother has been diagnosed with gluten intolerance, which is an additional incentive to try. Maybe I'll start tomorrow :) ((hugs back))

Ciao Elena e grazie :) Ti consiglio di provarli perche' sono facili e divertenti da fare e certo con la loro forma concava sono ideali per raccogliere il sugo.

Lori Lynn

I just made a salad with roasted chestnuts and persimmons last night. This pasta sounds fabulous. Love the unique flavor of chestnuts....

Simona Carini

Hi Lori Lynn. Persimmon and chestnuts sounds like a lovely combination. I have always liked chestnuts, but using chestnut flour is a new adventure. We'll see how it leads me.

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