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November 15, 2012


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Alicia (foodycat)

I've never had it made freshly, only ever dried. Such a good shape for clinging to sauce!


What a wonderful finale. Thanks for another terrific handmade pasta for me to try. and thank you so much for all the hosting and participating. You've helped make Presto Pasta Nights such a hit.

Simona Carini

I agree, Alicia, the shape is quite conducive to sauce pick up.

You're more than welcome, Ruth. It's always been my pleasure. I will keep making more pasta and remember Presto Pasta Nights.


Yes, each one is unique. Delicious-looking! I'd love a taste!

My Italian Smörgåsbord

your pictures are so alluring and you are so incredibly skilled at making fresh pasta that you make me feel like I HAVE TO do this soon. considering that my little one almost exclusively eats pasta, this may be something I ough to do for her... ps: farina 00? non semola di grano duro?

A Canadian Foodie

Your handmade past posts are my favourite. No one does this - and the videos are excellent! I learn a lot with the preparation and readings, as well. I didn't know you were from Umbria! We stayed there a year ago for 4 days - at Letizia's bed and Breakfast called Madonna del Piatto and I took one of her cooking classes, too. I had been to Assisi a few other times and just cannot get enough of the area.


La Z di Zocca è stata un successone anche grazie a te! Ed eccola qui: http://abcincucina.blogspot.com.es/2012/11/z-come-zocca.html.

A breve in Trattoria pubblicherò un post riassuntivo di questo bellissimo viaggio che non sarebbe stato lo stesso senza di te.

A presto!

Molly Hashimoto

Simona, this looks so delicous. I am going to review all your pasta posts and pick my favorite to try out for a special holiday treat for friends and family!

Simona Carini

Thanks, Paz. I wish it were easy to send you some.

Ciao Barbara. I consider myself more stubborn than talented: when I decide that I want to make a certain shape, I soldier through and don't let anything deter me. Cosi' ho letto e cosi' mi e' stato confermato: farina 00.

Thanks for your kind words, Valerie. I am so glad to read you've visited my native region. Assisi is a truly special place and even though I've been there more times than I can count, I love to visit whenever I can.

Grazie Aioulik!

Hi Molly. That sounds like a nice idea. Let me know which one you choose.


I agree with molly. The dish is really looking delicious and yummy. Hope my wife will make this pasta))


It looks really yummy. Hope my girlfriend can make pasta the way you did it)))

Simona Carini

Thank you, Dmitriy.

Gata da Plar Mony

Che meraviglia! Sei bravissima Simo! <3

Simona Carini

Grazie Monia. Questi sono davvero divertenti da fare.

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