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October 18, 2012


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Alicia (foodycat)

That looks delicious (and the book sounds intriguing!) - like a frittata bound with cheese instead of eggs! Which sounds like a wonderful idea to me.


I love detective stories, especially when there's food involved! A beautiful review of Southern Seas and Carvalho a very interesting character! Of course, your potato dish looks amazing, as usual!


I love both - the potatoes and the book. I need a good mystery... so many are disappointing.

My Italian Smörgåsbord

these looks sooo good! would make an amazing Sunday brunch or a cozy dinner. your cheeses are mouth watering and I can't wait to learn this amazing skill of yours so I can savor them at home. really interesting back-story too.

Simona Carini

Ciao Alicia. I've really enjoyed the Carvalho novels I have read so far: they are a nice mix of mystery and political and social commentary and offer an interesting view of one of the great Mediterranean cities. Frico is quite special, indeed.

Thanks, Lynne. If you like detective stories, I recommend you give Vázquez Montalbán a try (and Andrea Camilleri too).

Hi Katie. Southern Seas is certainly an intriguing mystery and the characters, from Carvalho on, are all interesting.

Ciao Barbara. I agree: Sunday brunch or a cozy dinner. I am so excited you are getting into cheese making :)


I enjoyed "Southern Seas" very much. Now, I'd love to enjoy your frico.


Wow, you make your own cheeses? Color me impressed!

I've never read (or, to be honest, heard of) Pepe Carvalho, but I've been hunting around lately for some good reading material. Thanks for the tip, he sounds like a fascinating writer.

Simona Carini

I am glad you did, Paz (I know, the last two pages were hard: for me too). I have run out of Montasio, so that's next on my list of cheeses to make. I need a longer day to get everything done!

Thanks, Frank! If you enjoy a good mystery, one of the Pepe Carvalho novels or one of the Montalbano novels are what I'd suggest. Both series have nice views on local foods.


Okay, how cool that you and Paz took different approaches to the same book, thus giving all of us a bigger taste of it?! And both of you have done potato dishes, which I love and will have to try soon. Do you have any tips on what other types of cheeses to include?

Simona Carini

We actually knew we were reading the same book, but did not exchange information on the dish, so indeed, it is interesting that we both went for potatoes, from different directions. As for cheeses, you may be able to find some Montasio in a well-stocked cheese shop, but I am not sure about Crescenza (it may be called Stracchino). Instead of Montasio, you may try some Asiago. Crescenza is a bit trickier to substitute: I'd probably choose some Fontina. Let me know what kind of cheeses you can find and I can adjust my advice based on that information.

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