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October 09, 2012


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nella mia list dopo la ricotta arrivano subito la crescenza e lo stracchino, che non ho mai capito se sono la stessa cosa... mi piacerebbe assaggiare la tua crescenza su quella fetta di pane, saperla fatta in casa sarebbe sicuramente una bella sensazione, ciauzzzzz


Simona: I'm always impressed with your cheese-making skills!


Yes! I am going to make this, it sounds wonderful.


I have made mozzarella, ricotta, and farmer cheese, but I have been wanting to make the next step and make something more challenging. Yours turned out perfect looking. Congrats on the new CTB gig, btw.

Simona Carini

Ciao Martissima. Ho letto cose un po' diverse sulla differenza o meno tra stracchino e crescenza e quindi, non essendo sicura, non mi pronuncio. Certamente appartengono alla stessa famiglia di formaggi, nel senso che sono fatti seguendo lo stesso procedimento.

Thanks, Paz.

I hope you do, Sally.

Hi Debra. I think this is a perfect "next step" cheese, in the sense that it involves a few important steps in cheese making, like adding culture, renneting, cutting and stirring the curd, but it is fairly quick to make and does not require pressing or a special aging set up. So, I hope you try making it. Thank you!

My Italian Smörgåsbord

just started with cheese making and it is just as fun and challenging as sourdough bread. how do you sterilize a cloth? I am making my crescenza (I call it stracchino) in a silicon drained, do you think that is acceptable? so nice you are into cheese, I am sure I can learn a lot from your experience.

Simona Carini

Ciao Barbara. I sterilize cloth in boiling water or, more often, by ironing it right before use. Do you mean a silicone mold? What does it look like?

A Canadian Foodie

An excellent post, Simona. I learned a great deal from it and how wonderful that you can read the Italian posts, too. Gleaning this kind of information and using it to make my own cheese is what this project is all about. Love that you have done this!
Thank you so much!

Simona Carini

Thanks, Valerie. This has actually become a regular cheese in my schedule. I made it again today and it's the fifth time two and a half month. Besides being fairly straightforward to make and to care for afterwards, it's quite versatile.

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