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October 28, 2012


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Alicia (foodycat)

They are gorgeous! I have a shopping bag that lives, folded up, in my handbag, but now I want a basket!

Simona Carini

I also have canvas shopping bags, several of them, actually, but I must say that a basket is really nice and handy, so I support you putting it on your wish list :)


Very nice baskets. I can see you carrying one around the market. :-)


These baskets do look beautiful but not very practical if you have to shop for a whole week and have back problems. I use a bag on wheels. I'll post a picture on facebook.


I love those baskets, I would love one to put my knitting work. Not sure why I haven't bought one yet.

Lovely photo.

Simona Carini

Ciao Paz. When my husband accompanies me, he likes to carry it ;)

Thanks Ivy. That makes sense. I saw the photo and can see that you can indeed put a lot of groceries in that bag.

Ciao Laura. They are beautiful and certainly practical also for other uses.


Hi Simona - I don't have shopping baskets but bags. These are beautiful. The gallery is up -


Simona Carini

Thank you so much Lail for hosting!


che belli quei cesti, Simona, il mio ha più di 30 anni m è ancora in ottime condizioni! :-)

Simona Carini

Wow, Cinzia, davvero sei brava a tenere bene le cose. Dopo cosi' tanto tempo, un oggetto diventa quasi un membro della famiglia.

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