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September 28, 2012


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diary of a tomato

Thanks for posting about one of my favorite pasta shapes! We traveled to Puglia just to learn how to make it, and discovered that it depends on who is making it — ma certo! We're just about to head back there for a second visit, and delve deeper into the wonderful cuisine there. The biggest controversy seems to be whether to form over a finger (as I was taught) or by rolling the the piece of dough against the board with your thumb. In any case, your version is molto efficiente!


This is really cool -- both the photo and making the pasta shape. I like orecchietta, although I don't eat it often. Now, I'm hungry for it. :) Lovely B&W photo.

Simona Carini

Have a safe trip and a wonderful time in Puglia. To be honest, I try to take into account various traditions, but I think that when we are dealing with old, popular recipes, it is natural that there are various traditions. I assume that if I had been born in Puglia, I would make orecchiette the way I saw my mother make them. As it is, I chose a method that makes sense and feels comfortable. Maybe one day I will visit Puglia and have a first-hand experience of shaping orecchiette with some nice people there.

Simona Carini

I am afraid those are all gone, Paz. But I'll make some more...


It took me a while to figure out that you're holding the pasta and it's not just your finger...

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