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September 06, 2012


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Hand made pasta is such a delight to cook with and best paired with a simple & rustic cheesy-buttery sauce. Yum!


Simona Carini

I totally agree with you, Siri.


This is very cool!


I am incredibly impressed!! I haven't gotten brave enough to try hand shaped pasta yet... YOU GO!!

Rachel @ The Crispy Cook

You always makes such delectable food. Glad you enjoyed reading Home Cooking.

Simona Carini

Thanks, Paz.

Hi Glennis. I hope my post and short video are encouraging.

Thanks, Rachel. I certainly did.

My Italian Smörgåsbord

wow!!sei proprio un artista! non so se avrei la pazienza di seguirti in questa impresa (anche se so che ne varrebbe la pena considerato quanto e' buona la pasta fresca) ma ammiro la tua bravura (e la semplicita' con cui descrivi il metodo). baci/ps: ho postato la formula per il pane alla segale, grazie mille per la visita.

Molly Hashimoto

Your fusilli looks so delicious. And I know what you mean about beginning the research and enjoying it. It is so fun to read about different traditions. Thank you for sharing this.


I loved Home Cooking and like you hadn't heard of it before it became a CTB selection. That is some fabulous looking pasta.

Simona Carini

Ciao Barbara e grazie delle parole gentili. Grazie anche dell'allerta. Vado subito a leggere il tuo post.

Thanks, Molly. Hope your traveling is going well.

Thanks, Debra!


It sounds as though you are enjoying your latest culinary researches and experiments, and coming up with yummy dishes too. I enjoyed the book, though not always agreeing with the author.

Deb in Hawaii

So glad you enjoyed the book! Your pasta is perfect and looks delicious--I want to bathe in the brown butter sauce. ;-) Yum!

Simona Carini

Ciao Claudia. Indeed, I am enjoying my pasta making adventures a lot. I also was not always in agreement with the author and our style of cooking is certainly very different. I admired her style of writing, her way of making me feel like we were having a conversation over a cup of tea and I was listening to her stories.

Yes, Deb: thanks for choosing such a nice read and for your kind words.


What fun rolling those fusilli!

Simona Carini

It was indeed, Kaye.

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