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August 29, 2012


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The soup sounds wonderful. And I particularly like the look of the garlic chive flowers garnishing it. Those are beautiful! I MUST replant garlic chives (our garden garlic chives didn't make it through a winter a couple of years ago and I completely forgot to replace them).


Buona questa zuppa, un'ottima idea per riciclare la zucchina!


Great post and great blog. I thought you might be interested in a video we created about how to make & can sauce from fresh tomatoes! Feel free to repost it or share with your followers!


diary of a tomato

Che bella, non abbiamo stanchi di mangiare zucchine ancora!

Simona Carini

Hi Elizabeth. It is currently my favorite soup. I have also frozen some for later. Garlic chives are indeed quite pretty. I am sorry their flowers will be soon gone.

Si', supercaliveggie, specialmente quelle un po' grosse che non sono ideali in altri piatti.

I'll take a look at your video, Chris.

Diary of a tomato, nemmeno io sono stanca di mangiare zucchine.

My Italian Smörgåsbord

love the dark green color of this soup. and the flowers on top. scusa l'ignoranza... but what is that pink vegetable? interessante l'aggiunta di alga.

Simona Carini

Ciao Barbara e grazie della domanda che mi ha fatto rendere conto di aver omesso la spiegazione sulle foto della cipolla lunga appena uscita dal forno.

Simona Carini

I admire people who make nice videos, as this is a skill I don't have and am not sure I can master. I am not familiar with the method of canning tomato sauce described in your video. My mother made used the same variety of tomatoes, but a different method and that is the one I am familiar with. I have not replicated it in my kitchen, though, as I prefer to roast the tomatoes before processing. I make several batches of this and then it lasts through the winter.

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