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August 03, 2012


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Another wonderful selection of legume dishes. Thanks for the round-up Simona.


Wow, just saw that I am also one of the winners. Thanks so much Susan and also congratulations to Heather.


Thanks a lot for this round up. These will add to my options when its what to cook question.
http://madscientistskitchen.blogspot.in/2012/08/guest-hosting-wtml.html I am hosting WTML All through August’12. Do send me your entries.


What an incredible round up!
I really couldn't choose a favorite dish, too difficult!
Congrats to Ivy and Heather!!
Thank you for hosting Simona


Wow! What a turnout! Fabulous round-up, Simona. Thank you so much for hosting MLLA for yet another time. You are always a wonderful. I'll be back later on to take a more leisured look at all the goodies.

Congrats to the winners!


Nice round up!

Heather @girlichef

Such an amazing roundup...I'm always so inspired by the variety of legume dishes -so many new to me things to try. Thank you so much for bringing all of these beautiful dishes together. I'm excited to be drawn as a winner, but I don't think I'm eligible (sent you an email). But I'm always happy to receive a bean box, if so. :)

Johanna GGG

lovely round up - great to read and so many lovely ideas - thanks simona


what a wonderful array of delicious dishes looks wonderful
Thank you Simona for the event please feel free to attach anything with millet :) grain and flour. Millet is new to me would like to see how you use it and learn
thanks again Akheela


What an awesome lineup!

Simona Carini

Thank you so much, everybody, for the kind words. I am glad you enjoyed the roundup. It is indeed full of delightful recipes and elegant photos.

Heather, the exclusion of previous winners has been removed, so you are eligible.

Akheela, that's great! I bought some hulled millet and am working on a recipe with it, so you'll from me soon.


I am adding about 12 of these to be made. Legumes and I have a long time love affair. And I completely agree that there isn't much that chicken soup cannot make better...and to add legumes. How amazing is that. Thanks for the post and the amazing inspiration. People like you keep me cooking.


Simona Carini

Dear Erin, I am glad you found plenty of inspiration among the dishes contributed to the event. And thank you so much for your kind words.

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