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August 23, 2012


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Merisi in Vienna

Chive blossom vinegar sure is a novelty to me - what clever idea!


This salad really does *sing* summer. We should enjoy these quick and care-free dishes while we can. The nights are already getting cooler—fall is around the corner…


I love all the color here. And food looks delicious!

Simona Carini

Ciao Merisi. I liked the result to much that I am making another small jar with the last flowers of the season.

Ciao Frank. We got a late start to the season, so fortunately will have a few extra weeks to enjoy tomatoes and corn, but certainly we are going towards fall.

Thanks Paz. We really like this salad.


I will definitely have to try this! What I am wondering, however, is what is the kind of pink narrow tomato in your picture?

Simona Carini

Hi Rebecca. That tomato variety is called Blush.


Total summer in one dish! Looks divine!

Simona Carini

Thanks, Lynne. We've been eating this a lot this summer as well.

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