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August 26, 2012


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wow wow wow

Simona Carini

Grazie del complimento, Alda. Sto diventando esperta di pasta fatta a mano. Se perdo il lavoro, magari lancio un piccolo business.


Accidenti!! Non mi sarei davvero aspettata che qualcuno si cimentasse nella produzione dei malloreddus from scratch!
I miei complimenti... e grazie per questo bellissimo contributo! :))

Alicia (foodycat)

They look absolutely perfect!


These are perfect little pillows.


I eagerly await your awesome pasta making lessons and this week's gnocchetti are fantastic. It's definitely getting cooler around here and I'm eager to actually try these out very soon. Thanks for sharing with Presto Pasta Nights.


You have to be very patient to start such a recipe but the result is worth that amount of time.


Eccola la Q in tutto il suo splendore: http://abcincucina.blogspot.com.es/2012/08/q-come-quartu-santelena.html!

E complimenti perché la tua foto è stata scelta come testimonial!

Grazie della partecipazione e ora tutti a Roma!!!


I'm a big fan of malloreddus but have only had the store-bought kind. They don't look to hard to make—weekend project!

And I learned something new from the video. I have always used my index finger in a vertical direction. Using my thumb in a horizontal direction had never occurred to me.


I'm inspired to start making pasta again.... as soon as it cools off a bit LOL
But the tomato sauce - that I can make now. I had the best tomato sauce I have ever tasted in Livorno - no idea how it was made, very simple, but heavenly!

Simona Carini

Grazie Bribantilla. Era da tempo che avevo in mente di provare a farli e questa era l'occasione giusta. Adesso non mi ferma piu' nessuno ;)

Thank you, Alicia and Val, for the kind words.

Thanks, Ruth. I hope you give a try to any of the shapes I have made so far. I have another one in store for the next time I host Presto Pasta Nights. We'll see if my experiments are successful.

Hi Juno. Indeed, a bit of patience is required and it helps making the task smaller than in the usual recipes. And yes, the time investment is justified by the result.

Simona Carini

Grazie Aiuolik! Sono onorata della scelta e vi seguiro' prontamente a Roma.

Ciao Frank. I am glad my post has been helpful. I actually slightly prefer the thumb option. Let me know if you try and what you think.

Ciao Katie. I am curious too: some family secret, perhaps?

Anna Engdahl

Thank you! Ilove your pasta lessons. I've never used a gnocchi board, I make them the way my mother did. Two fingers, drag them toward you and flick them away. Goes very fast.
I just got the garganelli board from Amazon,it came with the dowel and I can't wait to try it.

Simona Carini

You are welcome, Anna. I am glad you like the little lesson. I have yet to try the gnocchi board in the making of regular potato gnocchi. Let me know how it goes with the garganelli board.


Why is this not cavatelli? I'm not doubting you, I'm trying to understand why so many places show me a semolina/water dough cavatelli.

I used a gnocchi board on my first attempt here and loved it. It's also how I discovered this site. FANTASTIC RESOURCE. Thanks.

Simona Carini

Dear Meadow, thank you so much for your kind words. I am glad you found my blog useful and I am glad you are having fun making pasta by hand.

The naming of pasta in Italy is a complex topic. The same pasta shape has different names and the same name may describe different pasta shapes, all depending on geography. So, cavatelli is not a unique pasta shape, as you can read in the chapter dedicated to them in the Encyclopedia of Pasta.

The dough for Sardinian gnocchetti contains saffron, a characteristic unique to them. None of the types of cavatelli I have seen resembles my gnocchetti, which, on the other hand, resemble the malloreddus a colleague of mine from Sardinia used to make (this is years ago, when I was still living in Italy and unfortunately I never saw her actually making them, but I remember their shape).


Good to know, about the naming.

My cavatelli are rather stubby, and seem to most closely resemble the malloreddus you mention.


Practice, practice, practice!

Simona Carini

Your pasta looks nice! Indeed, practice is key. And remember that even the pieces that don't look perfect are good to eat.

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