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July 08, 2012


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Mmm! Your peas look delicious!


I love this version, it looks like a tasty way to use up those Spring peas.

Simona Carini

Thank you, Paz!

Very tasty, Val.


Uno dei miei piatti preferiti, e per il quale ho imparato anche io a fare il brodo coi baccelli, gusto e corposità ne guadagnano!
Grazie per la tua partecipazione, al prossimo whb!

Simona Carini

Ciao Cinzia. Il brodo di baccelli e' davvero un tocco particolare. Piacere mio!


Just found your blog and I am in love!!!! This post reminded me of my grandmothers peas and rice! Brought back some wonderful memories!!! Beautiful blog!!!! Would love for you to check mine out:-) http://lemoinefamilykitchen.blogspot.com


Cara Simona:
I’m new to your blog, just happened onto it, but I like the expected tastes of your risi e bisi. I’ve made this dish a few times some time back and wasn’t so impressed. This version of yours gives me hope. What I am very impressed with is the Spaghettini coi Piselli ricetta, un’altra ricetta Veneziana and in this case the one found in that lovely book by Patience Gray ‘Honey from a Weed’. As she writes, this is only worth making with very fine pasta and fresh young peas. She blanches her peas for 2 minutes in boiling unsalted water, reserving some of the pea liquor. Then she melts some good burro (100 g) and when hot adds one chopped white onion and simmers it 5 minutes. I had the good fortune to pull up a lovely little Bianca di Maggio from my backyard garden—grown from seed by me—and they are simply wonderful for this dish. Then she adds the peas, salt, some chopped menta (spicata, ma certo) and a little bit of the pea liquor and just barely simmers this whilst the spaghettini is cooking. Mixing the piselli sauce with the spaghettini and a few curls of butter is all you need. Other than some nice vino bianco. Squisita, squisita, seconda me!

I got my young peas at the local farmers market on Saturday morn and this was my primo on Saturday night. With all Venetian dishes, this has a lovely delicate flavor but one that’s so addicting it isn’t funny.

Simona Carini

Thank you, Angela, for the kind words. I am glad my post brought back nice memories. I'll certainly stop by to visit you.

Dear Gestur, thank you for your comment. I have heard about the book you mention, but have not read it. I love the name Bianca di Maggio and I congratulate you on growing onions from seeds. I am not a very good gardener, so I try not to grow anything that requires much care. However, today I harvested my first garlic head of the season, plus some pink potatoes, so I am very happy. And I found an onion that looks a lot like the Bianca di Maggio in my CSA box. I will ask the farmer what kind it is. I really like your description of the pasta: what you are saying is that a few ingredients of very good quality, prepared with care, make a deeply satisfying dish. Squisita is the right word. And of course, the fact that pea season is short gives a sense of urgency to the feast: now is the time to enjoy it :)

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