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July 25, 2012


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I would love to learn how to make my own hand-made pasta. That would be really cool! :) Happy Black and White Wednesday!


I am crazy about the look and crafting of your strascinati. And your very finely crafted writing of it. Have fun with again with BWW. It's always a pleasure for you to host. : }


Beautiful pasta and click!




Da quando non mangio piu' glutine non ho piu' fatto la pasta per paura di non resistere alla tentazione.

Devo provare una ricetta senza il glutine, sara' difficile.

Che bonta'!

Simona Carini

Ciao Paz. My suggestion is to try using a small quantity of flour. Once you become comfortable, you can make more. And of course, when you eat it, you'll get a positive feedback.

Thank you, Susan. Making pasta is a great way to focus on the here and now. I am glad to host BWW.

Thanks, Rosa.

Ciao Laura. Vorrei poterti dire che ho una ricetta da condividere, ma l'unica volta che ho provato a fare la pasta con la farina senza glutine non e' venuta molto buona. I pizzoccheri sono buoni, ma hanno un po' di farina di grano.


My first thought when I look at the photo of your strascinati is how well they will capture the sauce in their long, narrow cavity, and how delicious they will be as a result. This again is a beautiful photo.

Simona Carini

Indeed! I am planning to make them again soon as I have a nice batch of roasted strained tomatoes to make a sauce. We'll see if I manage to take a decent photo.

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