My Legume Love Affair #49
I have the honor of being the host for the July 2012 edition of MLLA, the popular, legume-centered event that is the brainchild of Susan of The Well-Seasoned Cook.
Participation in the event revolves around a recipe that showcases one or more legumes. The recipe can be savory or sweet, with or without meat — no restrictions. The legume (or legumes) must be one of the main ingredients, not a minor character. (Exceptions to this general rule are legumes whose flavor is so intense that they are used in small quantities, like tamarind and fenugreek.)
You can send me a new post or a post from your archive reposted for the occasion. You can submit the recipe to other events as well, and you can send me more than one post (in which case, though, only one submission will be counted towards the random drawing described below). If you have a recipe to share, but not a blog where to post it, send the recipe and other applicable pieces of information to me and I will add it to the roundup. You will also be entered in the drawing.
The post must include a link to this announcement and also to Susan's post containing the host lineup. Use of the beautiful logo, designed by Susan, is optional.
Example of legumes include (but are not limited to):
- fresh or dried beans of any kind
- lentils
- chickpeas, ak.a., garbanzo beans (fresh or dried or their flour, a.k.a., besan)
- peas (fresh or dried or their pods)
- fava beans (fresh or dried)
- soy beans (fresh or dried, or their derivative products, like tofu)
- peanuts
- carob beans
- lupini beans
Not an exhaustive list, but it should give you a sense of the wide range of options. Note that in French the word légumes means vegetables, and also legumes. This event is about the second meaning.
To submit your post, send an email to simosite[AT]mac[DOT]com with MLLA entry in the subject and containing the following information:
- Your Name
- Name of Your Blog
- Title and URL of Your Recipe Post
- Your Location (necessary for the second prize described below; let me know if you prefer that I do not disclose it in the roundup)
- Photo of the dish or legume(s) featured in it: Optional (but helpful) and maximum 400 px wide
If you don't have a blog, submit your recipe by sending me an email as described above (except for #2 and #3, which do not apply) with the description of the recipe.
The deadline is Tuesday, July 31 at noon PDT.
If you don't receive an answer to your email or a comment on your post within two days of sending me the email, please contact me again: sometimes email messages get lost in cyberspace. Also, feel free to contact me should you have any questions regarding the event and its rules.
The following prizes will be awarded to one winner via random drawing:
- 500 Cupcakes: The Only Cupcake Compendium You'll Ever Need by Fergal Connolly & Judith Fertig. This prize is offered by Susan at her expense, and she will also absorb worldwide shipping charges. F.T.C. Notice: Susan does not receive any compensation from Amazon.
- Hurst Bean Box - A case of six bags of the winner's choice of Hurst Bean products, suitable for every diet, sponsored by Hurst Bean. (Due to shipping restrictions, this prize can only be awarded if the winner is a U.S. resident.) FTC Notice: In May 2010, Susan, at her request, received two Hurst Bean complimentary products which are not available for purchase in her local markets. Susan does not generally accept free products from Hurst Bean nor is she financially compensated by them.
- Drawing Structure - If the winner is a U.S. resident, she/he will be the recipient of both Prizes 1 and 2 above. In the event that an international winner is drawn, a second drawing will be conducted from the U.S. pool of entrants to ensure that the Hurst Prize is awarded every month. In these instances, the international winner will receive the book, and the U.S. winner will receive the Hurst Prize.
A note about the title of my post: legumi che passione! is not the literal translation, but my personal rendition of the original My Legume Love Affair.
I hope I can participate. I have a family wedding this month! I will sure try!
Posted by: A Canadian Foodie | July 04, 2012 at 06:15 PM
I just sent you a submission for this month. Thanks for hosting.
Posted by: Lisa | July 06, 2012 at 01:18 PM
Thanks for commenting on my post and just in time as I am about to prepare a post using a unique Greek pulse.
Posted by: Ivy | July 06, 2012 at 10:27 PM
Thanks, Valerie.
Thank you, Lisa: got everything.
Great, Ivy: I am looking forward to reading about your dish.
Posted by: Simona Carini | July 06, 2012 at 10:54 PM
Hi dear i am very much new in blogging world. I am from india (DELHI). Can i send my entries there? i ams ending you through mail. Please let me know if anything else is required.
Visit my newly born blog.
Posted by: Paicash | July 23, 2012 at 04:13 AM
Thank you!
Posted by: Simona | July 26, 2012 at 10:47 PM