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June 29, 2012


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Alicia (Foodycat)

I love the purple potatoes! Re discolouration - you can use mushed eggs to artificially age silver because the sulphur they give off speeds up the oxidation process. I have a suspicion it is connected to that, rather than the PH of the whites!

A Canadian Foodie

Where is a photo of the torte?
I am missing that!

A Canadian Foodie

I mean - the scooping out of it! Should have clarified... and it SOUNDS delicious!


Sai che Kandinsky è anche uno dei pittori preferiti di Gokki.
Lei aveva fatto un bellissimo tema sulla pazzia nell'arte per la maturità.
Non che c'entri con la ricetta, ma mi è venuto in mente mentre scrivevo.
bellissima ricetta!

Simona Carini

Ciao Alicia and thank you so much for the suggestion. Now that you mention it, the shade of green suggests sulphur.

Hi Valerie. I had a couple of photos of the torte after I cut it, but they were not good, so I didn't use them. If I make it again, I'll try to get a better shot.

Ciao Brii. Me ne ricordero' quando conoscero' Gokki. Ho diversi poster delle sue opere in bella mostra: e' facile indovinare la mia parzialita'.


Planting and harvesting your own potatoes sound really cool!


Eccomi e grazie, grazie ancora della pazienza.

Simona Carini

Grazie, Brii! (Ho copiato il commento sul post dell'annuncio, per averli tutti insieme.)

Simona Carini

Ciao Paz. It is fun. It is also a bit of work, but rewarding. I think I will plant more potatoes this year.

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