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June 26, 2012


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il tuo cornbread ha un aspetto meravigliosamente rustico perfetto per la colazione, dalla foto della cucina mi accorgo che hai quello che desidero .......anzi desidererei un sacco avere e cioè la finestra sopra il lavandino sia per la luce direttamente sul piano di lavoro che per la vista direttamente fuori anche quando lavoricchio in cucina........chissà in un'altra casa.....in un'altra vita ^_______^ ciauzzzzzzzz


Ciao Simona, complimenti davvero per questa bella ricetta. Adoro la farina di mais e quella integrale, per non parlare dei mirtilli... proverò prestissimo a rifare questa tua ricetta, sarà perfetta per la mia colazione!! bacioni, Francy

Heather @girlichef

I love it when books have descriptions of food and table scapes...it pulls me right in! And your cornbread sounds fantastic - blueberries and corn(meal) go fabulously together. I hope you'll share the cornbread w/ BYOB -Bake Your Own Bread (http://www.girlichef.com/2012/06/byob-bake-your-own-bread-june-2012-link.html) this month. =)


A wonderful way to use those blueberries. I'd gladly wash those dishes every night for a taste of your cooking. :-D

Very interesting-sounding book with some interesting-sounding characters. I enjoyed the passage you included. Very descriptive. Very vivid.

Phil in the Kitchen

Lovely cornbread - I would definitely choose this for breakfast. Though I'm unlikely to ever be invited to the Plumstead Episcopi. Although I enjoyed reading Trollope many years ago I think there's much more that I could have taken from the writing. Trollope still inspires an intense loyalty from his admirers. I should try again.


I must read this book-you have described it so beautifully. At the moment, I am reading the Ian Rutledge series by Charles Todd. Rutledge has just returned home from the trenches of WW1, suffering from shell shock and survivor's guilt. He carries with him in his head the voice of Hamish MacLeod whom he had to execute for disobeying orders. As he goes from assignment to assignment in different villages in England, Hamish is with him constantly reminding him of his fate. Their interaction gets comical at times. You might like these books.

Your blueberry cornbread looks great with its lovely brown crust and I love seeing your series of kitchen photos.


Haven't read Trollope since school days!! I always wonder, when do you find the time to read, cook, make cheese, make bread, host events and blog? You are a super woman Simona :) The bread sounds delicious. We also call them myrtila in Greek and although they grow in Greece we rarely see them in Athens.

Simona Carini

Ciao Marta. Mi ricordo che la finestra nella tua cucina non e' sul piano di lavoro. Sono d'accordo con te che la luce naturale sul piano di lavoro e' imbattibile. Questo pane e' davvero buono. Fammi sapere se vuoi qualche dettaglio in piu' per provare a farlo.

Ciao Francy e grazie. Questa ricetta te la consiglio vivamente. Fammi sapere se la provi.

Thanks Heather for the reminder. BYOB is definitely an event up my alley. Baking my own bread is what I do all the time.

Ciao Paz. I'll let my husband know ;) And I recommend the book... if you want to take a break from Montalbano.

Hi Phil. I hope you'll pick up Trollope again. I enjoyed a lot reading again The Warden.

Hi Lynne. What you are describing is indeed a very interesting story. The cornbread is a lovely twist on the tradition particularly appealing in this season. And there are more photos to come from the project.

Ciao Ivy. I am addicted to reading: if I don't read a bit in the evening, I can't sleep. I have not tried making this bread with another type of berries, but I think it should work. We have blueberries in Italy as well, but at least when I was a kid, they were not easy to find. I still remember the first time I ate them here in the US: such a treat!

Molly Hashimoto

Simona, Novel Food is a really wonderful part of your blog--it makes me want to keep reading and cooking! And I love your Kandinsky timbale,too! Art, cooking and reading--what else do we need?

Simona Carini

Thank you, Molly. I totally agree. Food for the body, for the mind and for the soul: we need all of them.


Years ago I read Trollope's Palliser novels after having watched the BBC productions on PBS's Masterpiece Theater, but I have not revisited Trollope since then. I am ashamed to admit this, but I don't get to read as much as I want. Life and stress get in the way. Of course one could say that reading is a stress reducer, but the "id" inside of me must not have picked up that bit of information. Thank you for reminding me of Trollope, and I will give another of his books a try. I am enamored of the Novel Food event!

Simona Carini

Hi Ana. We also watched the BBC production of the Palliser Novels: it's great. And I read the novels some years ago. I think you will like the Barset Novels. You can start with The Warden, which is a short one ;) I subscribe to the idea that reading has a calming effect. It works wonders with me. I am glad you like Novel Food!

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