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May 27, 2012


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questa cottura al forno delle fragole me la devo appuntare, e provare molto prossimamente, ciauzzzzzzzz


Roasting the strawberries is a great idea Simona! Just what the dish needs.


What a cool idea Simona! I've made gnocchi in a peach sauce before and my husband loved it. I'm sure he would love this as well.

Lori Lynn

So we are Simona!
Yours sounds absolutely fabulous! Love the color.
Ha! And we both diluted the broth too!


This is awesome, Simona. I love the way it looks. Now, I just gotta taste it! :)

Simona Carini

Ciao Marta. Fammi sapere se ci provi :)

Ciao Val. I am sure I'll come up with some other ways to use the strawberries prepared this way ;)

Hi Kalinda: what a neat idea! I'd like to see the recipe.

Ciao Lori Lynn. Now, if only I had the pretty bowls that I see in your photos!

Ciao Paz. I like that it is a savory dish that reminds you of dessert.


Have you ever used an Asian variety of short-grained rice for risotto?

Simona Carini

No, I haven't. I am not familiar with Asian varieties of white rice. For risotto, you need rice with a high starch content. Do you have a specific variety in mind?

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