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May 19, 2012


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una minestra che rappresenta la primavera nel colore e nel sapore fresco di orto ....potresti partecipare anche al salutiamoci se ne hai voglia............ http://www.stelladisale.it/2012/05/salutiamoci-mangiare-bene-per-stare-bene/


A perfect soup with spring legumes. Thank God that we change when we grow up because I also remember that I did not eat a lot of things my mother would prepare and that is a consolation when my children don't eat some legumes which I prepare.


Such a healthy and refreshing soup.

Simona Carini

Ciao Marta. Verissimo e non vedo l'ora di rifarla. Grazie della segnalazione.

Ciao Ivy. I totally agree: it's almost embarrassing to think how many foods I detested as a kid which I now appreciate.

Quite healthy, Pushpa, and nourishing.


ad una minestra così ricca e profumata, e per giunta di stagione, non si può rinunciare. te la copio :-*

ps: grazie della partecipazione


Well, I was thought to eat everything as a child. :-)
I love fava and peas and this soup sounds delicious!
I agree with Martissima, it is perfect for the Salutiamoci event.
Would love you to post it for us.
the round up is on line:
Thank you for your contribution
take care
(Mario says hello!)


This looks so tasty. It is the toasted bread at the bottom of the bowl that makes it special!


Spring in a bowl! It sounds delicious and right up my alley. I have to admit, I'm usually too lazy to peel the skin off fava beans, but I kinda like it that way anyway! Call me strange.

Simona Carini

Ciao Aitina. Piacere mio. E la minestra e' davvero profumata.

Ciao Brii. My mother brought us up that way: we were supposed to eat everything.
I am afraid cheese is not allowed by the event's rules. Say Hello to Mario: I hope to visit you all again soon.

Ciao DueSpaghetti. That rye bread actually works very nicely in terms of both texture and flavor.

Ciao Frank. I don't think you are strange at all. I think you would have liked my mother fava bean soup. Removing the skin is a matter of taste in a dish like this.


Oh yum, look at that. It looks wonderful :)

Simona Carini

Thanks, Jac!

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