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May 29, 2012


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I am waiting for garlic scapes in my garden.


Mi ha incuriosito prima la ricetta e poi il libro! Grazie per le idee ;)

Simona Carini

Lucky you, Val! I hope you'll have a rich harvest to enjoy.

Ciao Terry. Ho controllato e il libro purtroppo non e' stato tradotto in italiano. Fammi sapere se riesci a trovarlo. E' un libro molto interessante (un po' pieno di nomi). Si trovano gli scapi florali al mercato? Spero di si': sono davvero buoni.


I like M. Hazan's thoughts about not analyzing and just enjoying the food. Yes, that's what I like to do! Your spread looks and sounds delicious!


Another great recipe to try when my garden garlic starts to pop out the scapes! Thank you Simona!

I really enjoyed the book too and am glad to have had the incentive to read through it.


Lovely post! Your tribute to Italian food is genuine and the spread looks so tasty. We're envious of the freshness of your fave. And garlic scapes - what a novelty!

Simona Carini

Thanks, Paz.

Hi Rachel: I hope you get a nice harvest.

Ciao DueSpaghetti and thanks for the kind words. I hope you can find garlic scapes at farmers' markets in your area. Their flavor is really a nice surprise.


What a great recipe. I love the way you always combine your ingredients in an unfussy way. very Italian indeed!


Thanks for sharing your perspective on the book (and reminding me what scapes are). I am too late to harvest ours as they already have the seed heads formed. Great recipe and great CTB post!


Perceptive review of the book, and a delicious take on fava beans and garlic scapes. I'll have to give it a try if I can get some fava beans. Mine didn't do too well.

Deb in Hawaii

Such a thoughtful and insightful review. Your spread looks so good--I don't often see scapes or fava beans here but if I did, this is what I would want to make.


I am (slightly) embarrassed to say, I have never tried fava beans! Now garlic, this makes it way into just about anything I prepare! I like the photos, this looks wonderful,

Simona Carini

Thanks Jo, for your words. Indeed, I feel very Italian in my approach :)

Thanks Eliot. I am looking forward to a few weeks of scapes: I think that part of their charm is that their season is so short.

Hi Claudia. I am sorry to read your fava bean experiment was not as successful as you hoped. I hope you can find some fava beans at one of the beautiful farmers' market in your area.

Hi Deb. Maybe it's a matter of time and farmers in Hawaii will become more interested in fava beans.

Hi Tina. I hope I made you a bit curious to try fava beans :)

Maria Scott

My kids love to discover new things as well as food! They eat whatever I cook for them. I am sure they get elated as soon as I present the garlic scape spread to them! Exciting!

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