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April 01, 2012


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Mi sa che ho ancora tanto da imparare (da te) su come si fa il giudice...!


Aha! So now I know *why* people say pesce d'Aprile. Knew about the custom, of course, but never the origin of the expression!

Simona Carini

Non ti preoccupare, Francy. Ti scrivero' alcuni consigli basati sulla mia esperienza.

Ciao Frank. Indeed, that's where the fish comes from. So, even if the trick has nothing to do with fish, we squeal Pesce d'Aprile! which I think is nicer than using the word fool.

Molly Hashimoto

How funny-- fish cutouts on people's shoulders! I need to try this out next year!

Simona Carini

It was indeed fun to do this, and quite harmless, in the sense that it was difficult to get upset at a paper fish.

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