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April 05, 2012


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Ann Casolaro Minard

Oh I just love this recipe!! I am going to make it and then post it on my blog with a link back to you, Grazie!!!


You always amaze me when you delve into cheese making and make it your own.

Rachel @ The Crispy Cook

Those are beautiful little cheeses. And then that flavor combination in the scones sounds wonderful too.

Simona Carini

Ciao Ann. Well, considering that you are into making kefir, it looks like my post was well-timed. I hope you'll have fun making the cheese and like the result.

Thanks, Val!

Ciao Rachel. The scones are really good. I have lost track of how many times I have made them in the last few weeks. And they freeze beautifully. I'll definitely write a post about them.


Beautiful, creative cheese as usual, Simona. I really need to make dukka as well, it has been on my todo list for ages!

Simona Carini

Ciao Caffettiera. I recommend you make some dukka: once you have it, you'll find many ways to use it. Sometimes I just like to put my nose into the jar: it smells so good!

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