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March 09, 2012


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Heather @girlichef

Delicious roundup...I don't know where to begin! Thanks for bringing them all together, Simona :D


I agree with Heather - a delicious roundup and great hosting job! Thanks so much for being such a terrific PPNer.

Simona Carini

Thank you, Heather and Ruth, for your kind words. I am glad you enjoyed the roundup.


Sei una grande organizzatrice, il riepilogo è bellissimo.. oopss non avevo tradotto rucola!!! grazie grazie grazie e alla prossima!! bacioni!

Johanna GGG

a delight to read and when they find the software or magic that allows us to taste each dish I will be queuing for a taste - they all sound so delicious


Thanks for the round up! Now, I wish for some tasting samples too.

Simona Carini

Ciao Francy e grazie. Diciamo che ho imparato ad organizzarmi bene e poi davvero mi piace ospitare eventi.

Hi Johanna. We need some sort of transporter to do a virtual pot-luck.

Hi tigerfish. We definitely need to figure something out in this regard.

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