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March 01, 2012


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Che bella idea il pesto secco! non l'avevo mai sentito neanche nominare! in effetti in questo modo si può tenere sempre una scorta in freezer, l'idea mi piace di più che congelare il pesto completo di olio. bacioni!!


This challenges all of my beliefs about keeping pesto. I always thought it was the oil that kept it from going bad, and indeed there must be some truth in it, since a pot of it has lasted me more than a week in the fridge , provided the top was always covered with a layer of oil. When I want to store it, I freeze pesto in little cups, making it with oil but no cheese, since it went rancid sometimes. I'm sure pesto secco works as well, probably even better, but it is just so different! You never stop learning :)


What a fantastic post. So informative and so gorgeous, I just want to lick the spoon. For years I've been making "regular" pesto and freezing it in ice cube trays which I transfer to zip lock bags once they are frozen. So perfect to bring sunshine into dark and dreary winter days.

Thanks so much for sharing with Presto Pasta Nights.


What a great idea to make dry pesto. I always make pesto without cheese so that I can freeze it and add the cheese whenever I need it.


We love pesto, but consider it a special treat because of the high quantity of oil in it, and therefore don't have it often. Pesto secco is a wonderful alternative! We look forward to trying it. And we agree, it is wise to always have some pesto on hand for a quick and tasty meal.


Duespaghetti said "a special treat because of the high quantity of oil in it"... The Olive Oil if it's really EVO it's an important source of healthy complements for the daily diet. Of course the EVO must be cold pressed.

Simona Carini

Ciao Francesca. Io ne ho ancora un paio di "panetti" nel freezer. Ancora manca un po' all'arrivo del basilico fresco.

Ciao Caffettiera. I never store pesto in the fridge: what I don't use right away, I freeze. So I've actually never had spoilage problems. I can see how a dry pesto is easier to handle in a situation where you don't have a fridge or freezer, as the case I described. When you make it the first time, it's a bit strange: you know from the smell that it is pesto you are making, but it doesn't look like the pesto you know.

Hi Ruth. Indeed, the ice cube tray solution is quite convenient. During the winter, the cubes are like shots of spring.

Ciao Ivy. Omitting the cheese is another interesting idea. And I know that you make pesto with various herbs.

Ciao Duespaghetti. I consider my pesto reduced-fat, so to speak, because compared to other recipes I've seen, it has less oil. Even a simple tomato sauce takes time, while if you have pesto handy, a bowl of pasta takes no time at all.

Ciao Luca. Cold-pressed EVOO has certainly a place in a healthy diet. For me, reaching for the bottle of olive oil is second nature and one can see that in my recipes :) My approach is to use a product of good quality in moderation. My mother actually never bought bottled olive oil. When I was a kid, we had a bit of our own and then we would buy it from friends who had their olive trees. Once I moved to California, I had to look for olive oil of good quality and I am lucky to live in a state where it is possible to find nice olive oil - some of it locally produced. With the availability of good olive oil, people's appreciation of it has increased.

Johanna GGG

I have never frozen pesto - it is always so hard to resist using it once I have a tub in my fridge - made some basil pesto recently and just loved it so much but strangely enough didn't use it for pasta - need to make it again because E loves pasta and pesto. Am intrigued by the idea of a dry pesto and love the sound of walnuts which I am far more likely to have around than pinenuts

Simona Carini

Hi Johanna. I suggest you give frozen pesto a try. Freezing some in ice cube trays is nice for when you need a small quantity. The dry version is also good for this, since you can take a small chunk from the frozen log. In Italy, in the summer, I would gather pine nuts and crush them, so I know how a freshly cracked pine nut tastes. The ones we have in the store here are too different from that, so I prefer walnuts, which I can buy from farmers here and crack myself.


G come Grazieeeeeee!!! Genova e la Liguria sono state aggiornate e sono qui: http://abcincucina.blogspot.com.es/2012/05/g-come-genova.html.

Il viaggio prosegue, non mancare!

Simona Carini

Ciao Aioulik e grazie dell'aggiornamento. Ho gia' preparato il piatto molisano. ADesso devo trovare il tempo per scrivere il post.


Cara Simona, vedo solo ora questo tuo post! Sono felice che l'antico pesto secco ti sia piaciuto. Pensa che conosco qualcuno che lo mangia anche spalmato sulla focaccia ;-*

Simona Carini

Carissima Mitì, grazie del messaggio. La prossima volta che faccio la focaccia seguiro' l'esempio della persona che conosci :)

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