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March 23, 2012


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You always amaze me with all the great things you make. I wish I could make some kefir.


Simo, ho capito che quando ne avrai abbastanza del tuo lavoro attuale aprirai un buon negozio di formaggi e affini, fatti in casa, saranno molto di nicchia, mi raccomando fatteli pagare bene!!!! buon WE, bacione!

Simona Carini

Thanks, Ivy. I know you can find kefir grains in Italy, so it may be possible to do so in Greece as well.

Ciao Marta e grazie dell'incoraggiamento. Il mio timore e' che quando un hobby diventa lavoro, poi non e' piu' divertente. Vedremo quello che succedera'.


Since you've let me know about this upcoming article I've been awaiting it everyday :.) I like kefir a lot and use it for baking, too. Once again I have to say I admire you for doing it yourself! I'd love to taste homemade kefir. Your scones are beautiful!

Simona Carini

Ciao Catalina. If you can find someone with kefir grains, give it a try. In the US, you can also order the grains from various vendors. I am not sure about Europe.


That mango smoothie looks so good. I want to try the alternative puff pastry recipe you mentioned in another thread. Is it alternative because gluten free? Also, I've been using some of the whey in my kefir lassi drinks, which gives a bit of tang. Of course I tend to like them on the savory, salty side.

Simona Carini

Hi Claudia. The alternative comes from the fact that the recipe uses ricotta instead of some of the butter and water. Interesting use of the whey. I am planning to taste some of the sauerkraut I made, so if it is good, I will make more.


Turns out I grew up in a household with a bowl of kefir. We used to call it yoghurt, but I recognize the little animals now! We ate it as if it was yoghurt. It was a bit of a chore to look out for it, and after a few months (years) the product turned to be too acidic, but with the right strand, it tasted delicious. I wish I had had all this inspiration back then!

Simona Carini

So interesting, Caffettiera, that you had kefir at home. Maybe you'll be inspired to make kefir again. I have a couple more posts planned showing what you can do with it.


Hi, Simona, my 1st visit to your blog. You have written a very interesting article about kefir. It seems like I've attended a class! By the way, I'm also one of the judges for April Recipe Challenge, organised by the VGR, nice to meet you!


What an informative post! The mango lassi and the scones are just lovely - beautiful spring colors and the photos are so pretty.


I love the photo of you and Claudia!!
Lovely post Simona, and I agree with Martissima..you should start to sell. :-)
I would love to try all of this..and while I'm to busy doing anything else, I do save all you posts and all you suggestions.
Sooner or later I will try!
I wish you a nice Sunday.

Simona Carini

Hi Jessie. Thanks for the visit and for the kind words. I am glad you liked the post.

Ciao DueSpaghetti and thanks for the kind words. The lovely color of the scones is due to a couple of ingredients rather unusual in scones. I am planning to write a post about them, since they are really good. I have made a dozen batches recently.

Ciao Brii. Claudia has an amazing garden. Making kefir is really not difficult. The only thing is not forget about it (which I almost did, last night).

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