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March 06, 2012


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I learned about frittata di pasta, or actually, frittata di maccheroni as they called it, at my first boyfriend's family. I was probably about the same age when you discovered it. His mum came from Naples and pasta (never maccheroni, despite the name, just penne or spaghetti) was basic food for them. I loved it so much I never stopped preparing it. It is the perfect portable lunch when cold.


Fabulous post. I can't imagine what I would do with leftovers if it wasn't for frittatas! Thanks for hosting this week's Presto Pasta Night roundup, once again.


Wow! I've never heard of a pasta fritta. Sounds and looks delicious! I think Inspector Montalbano would approve, too. ;-)


Indeed a great way to recycle pasta. As we know, reheating it doesn't really work... My only problem is, we never have any pasta leftover!

Simona Carini

Ciao Caffettiera. Indeed, frittata di pasta is a great portable lunch.

Hi Ruth. You are welcome: it is such a pleasure!

Ciao Paz. I just finished reading another Montalbano novel: there was some nice food, as usual. Montalbano has a good appetite ;)

Ciao Frank. I know it can be tricky: if you cook more to get leftovers, you may end up eating more.


Thanks for the good recipe and reminder, fritatta di pasta is the perfect way to use those bits of left-over pasta, and I often forget.

Simona Carini

Ciao Claudia. I totally recommend it. And in fact, you can a bit of this pasta and a bit of that pasta, you could combine them into one frittata.

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