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February 02, 2012


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So glad to learn more about you. I know that when I decide to make cheese I will refer to your site (sorry if you get this comment twice).

Mike Moyle

Simona: A very nice reflection and summary. It is great to go back sometimes and look over your earlier posts. As you say you have traveled a long way and it's all about the journey. Keep up the good work!


This is a difficult set of questions. I agree Novel Food deserves more attention, I always enjoy immensely reading the roundups, but somehow I can't make my brain connect to my stomach when I'm reading. It just does not happen. I also have a very bad memory for the books I read (while I am obsessive with food memories), so even if there is one who inspires me, I don't remember it when I seek inspiration. I still hope I'll make it sooner or later..


Ciao Simona! il gioco dei 7 link è arrivato anche qui. Io ho l'ho postato tempo fa, è divertente! mi è piaciuto molto leggere il tuo, ripercorrendo la storia del tuo blog, che conosco da poco ma che mi piace moltissimo, e leggere i tuoi articoli è un piacere che mi concedo spesso! grazie del tuo commento ai Espresso chips scones! ho visto un sacco di ricette fantastice per il contest di VGR, avrete il vostro da fare in questi giorni! bacioni

Account Deleted

Simona - I love your choices and thank you for the kind comments AND the Cannolo Award. I'm really giddy like a child about having the badge on my site! Your cheese posts are some of my favorites, so I'm not surprised in the mascarpone post's popularity. I also love the Novel Food roundups, and hope the mention of it here will spark some more interest. I'm glad you'll continue to host it and I will definitely be participating in the next round!

Simona Carini

Thanks, Ivy. (and there was no duplicated comment.)

Thank you so much, Mike, for your kind words.

Ciao Caffettiera. I admit that I have become a lot more sensitive to food references in novels after starting Novel Food. I am also sensitive to the lack of food references, as when you read about a dinner party and have no idea of what the menu is. I understand your situation. As a clarification, the food does not necessarily need to be mentioned explicitly in the book. The inspiration can come from the place or time or situation.

Grazie Francy. Ospitare un evento o fare da giudici e' un'esperienza interessante. Se non hai mai provato, pensaci. Tra l'altro e' un modo per conoscere altri blog.

You are more than welcome, Kathy. Your knowledge of Italian culture and cuisine, and efforts towards making it available to more people are deeply appreciated. Thank you for your kind words.


You're right: ALL your posts are beautiful. I have to add that I love your Novel Food event. It's lots of fun!


I have to agree about that statement in the second post. I love France (and French food and wine) but the coffee…

Ann Casolaro Minard

Thank you so much for the award!!!!! Baci Baci!! Ann Casolaro Minard

Simona Carini

Thank you so much, Paz!

Thank you, Frank. I am glad you are with me on that ;)

You are more than welcome, Ann.


Thank you Simona, I'm happy you joined in in the 7 link project.
I also think you really understood the spirit of it.
I agree about the Novel Food, it has not enough attention.
But I cannot blame anyone but me, soooo it is up to me giving it the attention it deserves.

Simona Carini

Brii, please, don't feel uneasy about Novel Food. I want it to be a fun event. I will announce the next edition before the end of this month. You can start planning... :)

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briciole di italiano

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