Paola of An Italian Cooking in the Midwest and Brii of briggishome have invited me to the seven link challenge (here and here): albeit with some delay (for which I apologize), I am hereby taking it up.
It is a difficult challenge to answer, because it asks me to choose a post with specific characteristics and since I have about 500 posts, it is not easy to keep all of them in mind. So, my choices come with the disclaimer that they represent my current thought and are subject to my memory. In a month, I may have a different set of answers. But maybe I am taking this a bit too seriously (I am known to do so) and should just relax and have fun.
1. The most beautiful post
It takes me time and effort to write a post, so they are all beautiful to me.
2. The most popular post
Measured by number of page hits according to google analytics (which I started using a bit more than a year after I started the blog), it is the post on making mascarpone at home. If you have not tried the recipe, I recommend you do it: the mascarpone you get is vastly superior to anything you can buy in the US. (The post has also the Italian version.)
3. The most controversial post
Being controversial is not my style. Probably the most controversial statement I made is in my second post. Nobody knew me at that time, so I didn't get any reactions.
4. The most helpful post
This is really difficult to answer, because the perspective can be that of the writer or that of the reader. I certainly don't know which of my posts is considered the most helpful by readers, though I have received nice testimony to that effect for a number of posts (like this one on Swiss chard).
In general, I consider writing my posts always helpful for myself for a number of reasons:
- writing forces me to make myself clear
- in the case of a recipe, writing makes me being precise
- questions from readers may point to areas that need clarification
- writing a post is part of the big conversation that having a blog entails
- in a number of cases, I have used material from a post to write a longer article
I have added clarifying notes to my post on making mascarpone at home a few times in response to comments or references to my post. The post helped me realize that differences across the world pertain not only measurements, but the name of ingredients, in this case whipping cream.
5. The most surprisingly successful post
I did not expect that my post on pasta al burro e parmigiano would become popular and be referenced by a number of esteemed bloggers. This and pasta with ricotta were my favorite pasta options as a kid.
6. The post that did not get the attention it deserved
Answering this makes me a bit uncomfortable, as it is a veiled criticism of readers for not paying attention. In each of my posts, I try to convey a bit about me and a bit about my cultural background, besides whatever dish or other topic I am discussing. Publishing means that you offer what you have to the public, but you also have to accept that not everybody may share your interest or feel like expressing their appreciation (or otherwise) publicly.
In the fall of 2007, Lisa of Champaign Taste and I started Novel Food, an event that brings together literature and food. In the four years we have been co-hosting it (most recently, I have hosted it by myself, as Lisa is taking time off blogging), we have had a group of devoted participants. It is an event very dear to my heart and I will continue hosting it. I am taking advantage of this venue to bring it to people's attention: I believe it deserves it. It is a bit more challenging than other events, but it is quite rewarding. (The next edition will be announced some time in February.)
7. The post I am most proud of
The very first one. Short as it is (the original was shorter than the current one, since the second sentence was added after I published the post it references), clicking on the Publish button to send it out there took some courage and I am proud of that.
Looking at my first post also gives me a sense of how far I have traveled, in terms of my writing, my photos and my circle of friends in the blogosphere. Thank you all for being there!
Pola of An Italian Cooking in the Midwest also kindly presented me with the Cannolo Award, which I have been proudly displaying on my sidebar ever since.
I would like to pass the award to two bloggers:
Ann of La Buona Cucina pays homage to her Italian heritage in the kitchen of her home in South Carolina, where she lives with her beautiful family. Besides cooking for her family, she teaches cooking classes.
Kathy of Food Lover's Odyssey knows a lot about Italy and its culinary traditions and her blog is a rich source of information. I am particularly grateful to her for her weekly review Italy on a Plate: The Week in Italian Food, an always interesting collection of carefully selected blog posts, news and events (here is the most recent edition).
So glad to learn more about you. I know that when I decide to make cheese I will refer to your site (sorry if you get this comment twice).
Posted by: Ivy | February 02, 2012 at 10:20 PM
Simona: A very nice reflection and summary. It is great to go back sometimes and look over your earlier posts. As you say you have traveled a long way and it's all about the journey. Keep up the good work!
Posted by: Mike Moyle | February 03, 2012 at 08:20 AM
This is a difficult set of questions. I agree Novel Food deserves more attention, I always enjoy immensely reading the roundups, but somehow I can't make my brain connect to my stomach when I'm reading. It just does not happen. I also have a very bad memory for the books I read (while I am obsessive with food memories), so even if there is one who inspires me, I don't remember it when I seek inspiration. I still hope I'll make it sooner or later..
Posted by: Caffettiera | February 03, 2012 at 09:18 AM
Ciao Simona! il gioco dei 7 link è arrivato anche qui. Io ho l'ho postato tempo fa, è divertente! mi è piaciuto molto leggere il tuo, ripercorrendo la storia del tuo blog, che conosco da poco ma che mi piace moltissimo, e leggere i tuoi articoli è un piacere che mi concedo spesso! grazie del tuo commento ai Espresso chips scones! ho visto un sacco di ricette fantastice per il contest di VGR, avrete il vostro da fare in questi giorni! bacioni
Posted by: Francy | February 03, 2012 at 11:48 AM
Simona - I love your choices and thank you for the kind comments AND the Cannolo Award. I'm really giddy like a child about having the badge on my site! Your cheese posts are some of my favorites, so I'm not surprised in the mascarpone post's popularity. I also love the Novel Food roundups, and hope the mention of it here will spark some more interest. I'm glad you'll continue to host it and I will definitely be participating in the next round!
Posted by: Account Deleted | February 04, 2012 at 09:09 AM
Thanks, Ivy. (and there was no duplicated comment.)
Thank you so much, Mike, for your kind words.
Ciao Caffettiera. I admit that I have become a lot more sensitive to food references in novels after starting Novel Food. I am also sensitive to the lack of food references, as when you read about a dinner party and have no idea of what the menu is. I understand your situation. As a clarification, the food does not necessarily need to be mentioned explicitly in the book. The inspiration can come from the place or time or situation.
Grazie Francy. Ospitare un evento o fare da giudici e' un'esperienza interessante. Se non hai mai provato, pensaci. Tra l'altro e' un modo per conoscere altri blog.
You are more than welcome, Kathy. Your knowledge of Italian culture and cuisine, and efforts towards making it available to more people are deeply appreciated. Thank you for your kind words.
Posted by: Simona Carini | February 04, 2012 at 06:50 PM
You're right: ALL your posts are beautiful. I have to add that I love your Novel Food event. It's lots of fun!
Posted by: Paz | February 04, 2012 at 08:14 PM
I have to agree about that statement in the second post. I love France (and French food and wine) but the coffee…
Posted by: Frank | February 05, 2012 at 07:56 AM
Thank you so much for the award!!!!! Baci Baci!! Ann Casolaro Minard
Posted by: Ann Casolaro Minard | February 07, 2012 at 04:16 AM
Thank you so much, Paz!
Thank you, Frank. I am glad you are with me on that ;)
You are more than welcome, Ann.
Posted by: Simona Carini | February 09, 2012 at 07:23 AM
Thank you Simona, I'm happy you joined in in the 7 link project.
I also think you really understood the spirit of it.
I agree about the Novel Food, it has not enough attention.
But I cannot blame anyone but me, soooo it is up to me giving it the attention it deserves.
Posted by: brii | February 09, 2012 at 10:55 PM
Brii, please, don't feel uneasy about Novel Food. I want it to be a fun event. I will announce the next edition before the end of this month. You can start planning... :)
Posted by: Simona Carini | February 10, 2012 at 08:40 AM