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February 05, 2012


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Simo come spesso accade siamo nella stessa lunghezza d'onda....ho preparato proprio l'altro giorno un post sulla polenta ^____^
se preferisci quella bianca allora sei simpatizzante delle zone tra venezia e treviso, è lì che è di casa, ciauzzz e buon challah

Molly Hashimoto

Thank you for this interesting post about using buckwheat in polenta, fellow Typepad blogger--yours is one of the best I've seen!


Vado pazza per la polenta taragna e io trovo solo quella 'da supermercato'... non oso immaginare quanto sarà buona la tua! Grazie per aver partecipato a WHB.


My favourite way to reuse polenta is by making scagliozzi, really thin polenta slices shallow fried in olive oil. A venetian take on tortilla!


Oh my! Your polenta taragna looks and sounds delicious! I'd love to try it. I love buckwheat flour. Guess what I made last night? Cookies with buckwheat flour. Tasty!


Non l'ho mai assaggiata, di solito compro la polenta istantanea, credo che così ne perdo tantissimo, devo provare a trovare le due farine... per farla così mhhhh


What a wonderful post! I love polenta and always prepare/eat it in similar ways. I am so excited to learn how to pair it with Buckwheat Flour. Thanks for participating in WHB. The round up should be up soon. :)


This sounds delicious. I'll have to see if I can find buckwheat because they do not sell it in the supermarkets.


Carissima Simona, la polenta targana è l'unica che riesco a mangiare in versione "salata"! secondo me ha molto più gusto, quello rustico che adoro! bacioni

Simona Carini

Marta, qui si dice "great minds think alike" ;)

Thank you so much, Molly.

Ciao Graziana. Non sono esperta di marche italiane, ma se e' sotto vuoto, macinata a pietra e di un'azienda con buona reputazione, io la proverei.

Ciao Caffettiera. I must confess I had not heard of scagliozzi before. They sound like a treat.

Ciao Paz. The midnight cookie baker at work again?

Ciao Fragoliva. Spero che mi perdonerai che ti consiglio caldamente di evitare la polenta istantanea. La polenta richiede il suo tempo per la cottura, ma il risultato ripaga dello sforzo. Fammi sapere se la provi :)

Thank you so much, Chris. I am glad you found my post informative. Thanks for hosting!

Ciao Ivy. I hope you can find buckwheat flour. Buckwheat groats are also good.

Ciao Francy. Magari ora puoi provare la ricetta dolce con la taragna: che ne dici?


I've discovered polenta recently and I can say I'm in love with it :) I love the bright yellow colour and the taste. I wonder how the buckwheat polenta tastes as I've not tried it yet. The color is very interesting, too!

Simona Carini

Ciao Catalina. I am glad you've discovered polenta and you like it. It's particularly comforting when the weather is cold. Polenta taragna tastes different from the one made with all corn, sort of lightly nutty. It goes very well with cheese.


P come Perfettamente Pronti in tavola!!! Grazie Per la Preziosa Partecipazione: http://abcincucina.blogspot.it/2012/07/p-come-pavia.html!
E ora dalla Penisola tutti in Sardegna!!!!!!!


Grazie a te, Aioulik. Corro a vedere la lista e sono gia' pronta per volare in Sardegna (il traghetto l'ho provato e non mi si addice).


The best polenta with buckwheat is to slice it (WITH STRING) layer cheese and pour butter & garlic over it. My parents are from Lombardy area in Italy take it easy on the butter. Not sure what it is called but it is great.

Simona Carini

Thank you for your note, Sue. Denser polenta that can be sliced with a string and then dressed is a delicious northern Italian tradition.

Kathy Douthit

"Polenta" is a preparation, a dish. Uncooked cornmeal is not polenta, either in the U.S. or anywhere else. Sorry, this is just a point for me.

Kathy Douthit

Also, thanks for the recipe. I was looking for one to make a polenta that has less carbs. I have read that before polenta was made with corn in Italy, it was originally a dish made with buckwheat, which was a crop grown in the northern latitudes.

Simona Carini

Hello Kathy and thank you for stopping by my blog. That's also what I read. Besides for polenta, I use buckwheat flour in small amounts in cookie and cake recipes :)

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