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February 20, 2012


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chissà che non riesco a partecipare........ma si accettano ricette anche in italiano??

Simona Carini

Certo, Marta. Vedi regola numero 4: mandami pure il tuo contributo :)


Yay! :-)

Simona Carini

Ciao Paz! I guess that means you are in, right? ;)


I just was thinking about this last night, but have been a bit behind on blog reading. I also say 'yay!' and have a teen book to feature this time!

sandi @ the whistlestop cafe

I will try to come up with something in the next couple of weeks. I am into a Donna Leon now~ that leads to something fishy and Italian :-)

Kit @ i- lostinausten

Marvelous idea!! I'm a Jane Austen fan too & most of my bakes are inspired by her novels especially last months posts. I would love to join in the fun! :)

Simona Carini

Ciao Ruhama. I am glad to read you have already something in mind.

Ciao Sandi. I like Donna Leon's novels with Guido Brunetti.

Hi Kit and thanks for your note. I am looking forward to having a contribution from you. There are actually several food references in Emma, which I had not noticed before.


iam inn

Simona Carini



Sounds like a great idea, books and food, lovely!!! Can I take part in the future?


Simona Carini

Of course, Alessandra. I am glad you like the idea and I'll be happy to have you join the party. The next edition will be in about 3 months. I usually announce it four weeks before the deadline.


I read Emma when I was pretty young, so a lot of its little nuisances escaped me. I guess I am due for a reread. As for the BBC version, I have the older production on DVD, and when I feel somewhat forlorn there is no better medicine than to watch it and get transported into the shelter of Jane Austen’s world.

Simona Carini

Hi Ana. I recommend a reread. I found the most recent production a bit jarring at times. Emma behaves in a way that does not feel right for the times. Mr. Woodhouse and Mr. Knightley were my favorite performances. And I am with you on the power of Austen's writing.

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