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February 19, 2012


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That's a combination I would never had imagined but sounds great.


Che dire... mi hai stupito e mi sa che proverò a farli presto!!!


di ricette con le rape rosse ne ho diverse, ma una così semplice e golosa mi mancava proprio alla collezione ^_____^ ciauzzzzzzz


Mi sa che hai stupito tutti noi con questa ricetta, fantastica idea abbinare un ingrediente super goloso ad un altro super healthy! ciao e bacioni!


Your hearts look delicious! Thanks for joining in WHB #321. Cheers!

Johanna GGG

wow that sounds amazing! and they look gorgeous!

I have linked to a few great valentine recipes on a recent post and I hope you don't mind me adding this because it is just such an unusual idea that I would love to share it


The picture is beautiful. I have a similar recipe (albeit less healthy) in one of my cookbooks, where fried aubergine slices are covered in melted chocolate. I never had the guts to make it, but this sounds like an easy way in to the pairing vegetable-chocolate.

When I melt chocolate, I usually add to the leftovers a bit of hot milk and make myself a luxury cioccolata calda, but also la scarpetta is a great idea.

Simona Carini

Ciao Ivy. That's why I resisted the idea, but then I was glad I followed it.

Ciao Terry. Spero che puoi trovare le barbabietole fresche.

Ciao Marta. Questa ricetta e' consona alla mia anima fondamentalmente minimalista.

Ciao Francy. I cuoricini non sono durati molto, ma e' anche vero che non ne ho fatti tantissimi. Sono fatti per essere gustati presto.

Thanks, Lynne. My pleasure.

Thank you so much, Johanna. I am honored and will come over immediately to take a look at the other recipes you've gathered :)

Ciao Caffettiera. That sounds quite interesting. Maybe one can make it healthier by grilling the eggplant. I have another variation that I should try, suggested by a friend. It is definitely an intriguing path to explore. I have done something similar one day, adding milk, but then used it to make French toast. However, the chocolate-covered bread you make by fare la scarpetta is better. The main point is, of course, not to waste any chocolate ;)

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