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January 20, 2012


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Eh eh eh .....Brii ha contagiato, Martissima apprezza molto lo squisito risultato, complimenti Simona!!!


What a wonderful post! We are delighted to have a recipe for pasta sfoglia, and a lighter version is perfect, since it is truly a guilty pleasure. Thanks for the mention of our pizzette, too.


Assomiglia alla pasta che si fa con il cream cheese, viene a sfoglie, ma non direi che e' light.


I agree that your title -- "alternative puff pastry" is more alluring. I'd like to try it. :-D

Simona Carini

Grazie Marta!

Thanks you, DueSpaghetti! Your post made me take a little walk down memory lane. In looking back, I think it was good that we only had pizzette at parties, so they never lost their special food aura.

Ciao Laura. La versione su Profumo di lievito e' fatta col crema cheese ed e' chiamata falsa sfoglia. Sono d'accordo con te che questa versione non e' proprio light. Ma la ricotta (quella tradizionale) e' piu' leggera. Hai mai provato a fare la pasta sfoglia con la farina GF? Io ho provato a fare la pasta all'uovo ed e' venuto un disastro.

Ciao Paz. The process is really easy, and fun.


Just love the idea of this pastry and can't wait to try it.


Intrigante versione della sfoglia, io nella quiche postata di recente ho usato una specie di brisée con ricotta, proverò anche questa versione! :)
Brava te e pure Marta! :)

Michael Leo

Now -this- is a dish I can get behind. It looks great!

Simona Carini

I hope you do, Haalo.

Pasta brisee con ricotta? Interessante. Vado subito a vedere. Grazie Tarry!

Thanks, Michael.


homemade puff pastry with homemade ricotta is very impressive - I love the layers in puff pastry too and love the look of this

Simona Carini

Thank you, Johanna!


I love puff pastry but its so hard to get it fluffy and light as seen in the bakeries in India :-(

Simona Carini

Hi Sajida. Puff pastry requires a bit of time to make, but almost all of it is resting in the fridge. Once you find a recipe that you like, you'll learn how long it takes and then you can plan so you have the puff pastry ready when you need to use it. It also freezes well.

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