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January 09, 2012


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Drina C

Wow Simona!
dont know where to start; loved reading about your childhood and vaguely enough it brought back memories of my mom doing the same thing... beating eggs in a cup with some sugar and adding some coffee to it... she gave it to us especially in the winter months; I'm not italian, although I do have portuguese roots, so I dont know if that has anything to do with it.
I especially admire the fact that you made your own cheese!!! wow! and it looks great too.


I could always use a good breakfast recipe. I look forward to seeing the list. Being a judge is pretty cool. Congrats!


Ciao Simona, anche io sono una ex-bambina mangia tuorli! penso che a quei tempi era d'abitudine, perchè tutti quelli attorno alla mia età lo mangiavano. Bei ricordi! sono sapori che non si dimenticano, ed incredibilmente restano perfetti nella memoria del gusto. Grazie per aver condiviso questi tuoi ricordi! mi piacerebbe partecipare al contest, l'unico freno è che sul mio blog solo pochi post hanno anche la traduzione in Inglese, e se mi devo registrare su VeryGoodRecipes dovrei almeno tradurli tutti. Tu che ne dici?

Simona Carini

Hi Drina. Thank you so much for the kind words and also for letting me know that my story rings a bell. I like to find out that Italian dishes have counterparts in other countries.

Thanks, Paz. I am looking forward to seeing what people write.

Ciao Francy. Ho altri ricordi legati alle uova crude e al tuorlo crudo e magari ne parlero'. Scrivo qui quello che gia' sai, nel caso possa essere utile ad altri. Per registrare il blog non c'e' bisogno che sia in inglese. Per il post per Breakfasts of the World viene richiesta la traduzione inglese per motivi logistici (tutti i giudici devono poterla leggere).


This post brought back such memories! Stefano also grew up with uovo sbattuto as a treat, on special occasions when his mom was able to obtain fresh farm eggs from relatives who lived in the country. He never had uovo sbattuto from store-bought eggs, and his mom sweetened it with a little Marsala, rather than suger. No-one worried about the little bit of alcohol added. Stefano agrees that here in the States, even with organic or farm fresh eggs, it just isn't the same. Although not the healthiest breakfast, a cappuccino e cornetto from a coffee bar in Rome really is something special. At home in Rome, we used to buy biscotti gentilini to dip into our caffelatte for breakfast. We were delighted recently to fine biscotti gentilini on Amazon, but we haven't bought any yet because we just aren't sure we'd be able to resist not eating an entire package!


A beautifully written post and a wonderful childhood memory. It seems our magical childhood leaves us when we get older. I have many food memories of the foods my grandmother would make for me as a child and I've yet to reproduce them as I remembered them. Sounds like a great event you are judging.

Simona Carini

Ciao Cara. My mother would go at great length to avoid store-bought eggs. I look for the freshest eggs from pastured poultry. I must say that the situation, at least in California, has improved dramatically in the last few years, as many farmers and even people with large backyards have taken up raising chickens for eggs and meat. I usually get eggs from people I know around here, but winter is a difficult time of the year. Fortunately, I can find local pastured eggs at the store. Still, it seems that something is not quite the same, hence my uovo sbattuto that wasn't. Indeed, some marsala instead of coffee is a great option (kind of like the liqueur Vov). I hav always been more into coffee ;) And of course, in Rome you can also get a maritozzo con la panna. I love Gentilini biscotti and I usually eat them when I am in Italy, My favorite kind if Osvego. Of course, in Italy I find in 500 g packages at the local supermarket, at a fraction of the price they ask here. Novellini are also very good. You are right: it's difficult to stop after eating just a couple.

Simona Carini

Ciao Lynne. It is indeed tricky to decide whether to try to bring a memory back to life or leave it where it is, with its charming aura. The risk is disappointment, like I suffered this time. I find that writing helps me keep those memory fresher.

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