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December 07, 2011


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LOL! at the dressed up squash. I love all your photos.

Simona Carini

Ciao Paz. They are cute, aren't they? Thanks!


nella cassettina mi è arrivata una piccola butternut squash potrei vestirla a festa ^_____^ S. Francisco, con questa foto doppia nostalgia canagliaaaaaa.

Alicia (Foodycat)

Must get a woolly hat for my squash!


Simona, ho 4 butternut squash in my house, don't know what to do with them yet. Maybe I will roast them and freeze the pulp?

The sunset is amazing, you were at the right place at the right time.


Ciao Simona, che belle foto! anche a me piace andare per mercati, dove puoi fermarti a parlare direttamente con chi produce i prodotti che compri, roba rara qui in città in mezzo ai supermercati.. bellissima la foto del Golden Gate Bridge, che nostalgia!!


Yes, the hats on the squash are FANTASTIC! And I love the font they use for all their signage. Very fun.

Simona Carini

Ciao Marta. La forma della butternut e' proprio perfetta per essere "vestita." Confesso: l'ho fatto apposta (pero' questo non e' il periodo migliore per venire qui, essendo anche da noi inverno: tornero' all'attacco a primavera ;)

Ciao Alicia. Let us see if you do it ;)

Ciao Laura. That's one way, but you can also cut it up and roast it as a side dish. Or make a galette (assuming you have a recipe for GF dough). I actually have a number of butternut squashes myself and I will need to use them fairly soon.

Ciao Francesca. Quello dei rapporti interpersonali e' certo uno dei motivi che rende interessante e arricchente la visita al mercato dei produttori. E anche il trovare e provare prodotti diversi. Il ponte e' sempre contento di ricevere visite ;)

Ciao Ruhama. The next time I go to that market I'll let them know that their idea was a big hit. And I agree with you: the font they use for their signage is quite nice. They have a rather large space and a great variety of produce.


I am in love with those cute little butternut squashes. I broke my favourite knife yesterday trying to cut one in half :( Beautiful pictures!

Simona Carini

Ciao Ivy and thanks for the kind words. I read about the knife mishap. I also had a squash-cutting adventure a few years back: the blade flew off. Unforgettable.

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