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December 02, 2011


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ullalàààà ma qui abbiamo un vera e propria enciclopedia di legumi, complimenti a tutti!!!!

janet @ the taste space

Lovely round-up! Beans are so versatile, it is nice to be riminded of all the different ways to cook with them. :)


Wow, you had a ton of submissions (and many delicious looking ones at that)! Thanks for hosting this month.


Thanks for hosting. I am trying to include more legumes into my meals, so this is an inspiration.

Desire Empire

Wow what fabulous contributions. This is sure going to help my diet. Love all the inspiration here.I'm off to check it out.

Carolyn xx

Heather @girlichef

So many tempting dishes...thank you so much for bringing them all together, Simona :D

Simona Carini

Grazie Marta. Questo evento e' prezioso per gli amanti di legumi.

Thanks to all for your kind words. I am glad you are finding interesting suggestions among the many recipes showcased.

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