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December 18, 2011


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Simona I am in awe. Great post. I could never imagine cacao in cheese or yoghurt. I would surely want to try it. Happy holidays!


I really must make cheesemaking part of my New Years resolutions and promises to myself. The addition of the cocoa nibs is pure genius!


ah ecco chi è il signore dell'etichetta.......con queste indagini fai concorrenza a mister Holmes ^ ______ ^ se per caso ti son fischiate le orecchie, non ti preoccupare, proprio ieri io e Brii ti abbiamo nominata.......eravamo in un negozio davanti ad un kit per preparare il formaggio e guardandoci abbiamo detto... questo è per Simona.....noi abbiamo abbandonato l'idea dopo due secondi...
si sa mai avessimo usato il siero per farci lo shampoo ^_________^
con tutte quelle farine e la granella i frollini saranno davvero saporiti!!


You KNOW I love cocao nibs! ;-) I think it's terrific to be able to add them to so many different foods -- even cheese! That's really cool! That sounds like something I'd love to taste!


very impressing cheese! i really would love to try to make cheese with cocoa nibs but the thought is too scary for me...i have to go back and read your article but the photos are wonderful.

Simona Carini

Happy Holidays to you Ivy! I am not sure where the ideas come from, but once they present themselves, they make sense and so I give them a try. Cacao nibs are such an interesting ingredient: if you have it in the kitchen, I am sure you'll come up with ideas for using them.

Thanks, Val. I support your New Year's resolution.

Ciao Marta. Davvero avete visto il kit per preparare il formaggio: dove eravate? Mi piacerebbe saperne di piu'. Ma dai, un tentativo per fare del buon formaggio cremoso si puo' fare, non credi? I frollini sono venuti davvero bene. Adoro la granella!

I know you do, Paz ;) Have you tried adding them to a salad? I must admit I am quite pleased with the cheese.

I have been making cheese for three years, Mimi, and while I am still too inexperienced to go out and create a new cheese, I like to push known recipes where I can. This is one example.

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