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December 23, 2011


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Alicia (Foodycat)

They look delicious! I am glad you have been able to figure out a recipe. This is why I think writing down recipes is so important - they make you live forever.


scrunch scrunch .......buoni!!! ^____^


I just made these and not only are they easy to make but they are unbelievably good I can't wait to serve them to my family for Christmas!


Che bella ricetta, sa di tradizione vera, di famiglia. Ti rinnovo gli auguri per un felice Natale!

Lori Lynn

Hi Simona - I love how you describe the process of eating the cooking.
Lovely tribute to your Aunt.
Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and happy New Year!


They look delicious! Merry Christmas!


The flavor must be ethereal. What a gorgeous cook. Merry Christmas, Simona.


What a gorgeous "cookie" - obviously. ; ) And obviously I am not awake on Xmas morning. LOL! Well, you're a gorgeous cook, too.

Simona Carini

Hi Alicia. My aunt had more recipes that I regret not getting from her, but I am certainly glad to have something that reminds me of her. She also taught me to make pastry cream.

Esattamente, Marta :)

Thank you so much, Ann!

Grazie, Francy, anche a te.

Thank you, Lori Lynn. Happy Holidays to you too!

Thank you, Ivy. Happy Holidays to you too!

Hi Susan. I hope you are well now. Thanks for the compliment :) And Happy Holidays to you!


Tanti auguri di Buon Natale Simona!


How wonderful to receive the recipe and make your own!


I forgot my most important message: Merry Christmas!!! xoxo


Aunties and grannies are a treasure! It's great you got the recipe :) These croccanti are beautiful! I love using walnuts :) By the way they remind me our Czech meringue cookies called "pusinky" (kisses in English).

Simona Carini

Auguroni anche a te, Baol!

Thanks, Paz! Something should be arrive in the mail...

Ciao Catalina. I must find out more about your pusinky. My paternal grandmother passed away when I was very little and I get sad every time I think about it: everybody says that she was a wonderful person and so I miss not having met her. She also made those cookies before Christmas, and hid them to make sure nobody would eat them before the appointed time.


And I have been accumulating extra whites from my eggnog, so this will be perfection, especially with toasted macadamia nuts.

Simona Carini

Claudia, now I am really curious to know how they would be with macadamia nuts: please, let me know if you try.

Sondra Emmert

I haven’t tried making it yet, but get out of my way tomorrow morning! I think I’ve been searching for this recipe for almost 30 years!

Biscotti is easy. Croccante. Meringues.


Simona Carini

Dear Sondra, thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a comment. I hope you baked some croccanti and enjoyed them :)

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