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October 02, 2011


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Wow, the Italian biscuits at the top look so much like the cookies that my grandmother used to make… so wonderful dunked in coffee! Brings back fond memories….


You are right, biscotti are something so Italian. It is bizarre that such a large part of Italian food culture, which is otherwise so well known, is totally ignored abroad. Is it because it is such a family, everyday food? Anyway, I wish I had had this book when I was making huge tins of biscotti for Christmas, as a teenager.


Those Italian Biscuits and their "S" shape immediately caught my eye, and I am *very* intrigued by the Salt and Pepper ones. Looks like a very baker-friendly and sweet cookbook with recipes that work. Thanks for sharing the treats, Simona.


Oh my! This book looks like it's just for me! ;-) I love the cookies that you've showcased here. They all look delish. Just the other day, I was eyeballing the remaining buckwheat flour and thinking of making cookies. Will be making them very soon.

Simona Carini

I am not surprised, Frank. And I am glad you know about dunking biscotti: it's such a basic, simple pleasure!

Ciao Caffettiera. I have been wondering about it myself. I think that part of the reason is that biscotti are mainly a breakfast item for us and breakfast here has a deep and very different tradition. Italian children grow up dunking biscotti in their caffelatte, so they acquire a strong relation with them.

Ciao Susan. "S" like Susan and like Simona :) I am glad you enjoyed the post.

Dear Paz, a.k.a. the midnight cookie maker ;) I think you'd like this book.

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