Or an explosion of peppers, if I consider all the market stalls which featured varieties of the vegetable in all the vivid colors and all the shapes and sizes in which it comes. I brought home a poblano pepper (like the ones in the basket on the left), which was roasted and then added to my beloved roasted corn soup, giving a nice kick to its flavor and a lovely green tone to its color. I think that those in the foreground are Italian long peppers. I did not get any of them this time, favoring instead some Round of Hungary, which I roasted and froze to make this dip at a future date.
This is my submission to week #14 edition of Black and White Wednesday - A Culinary Photography Event created by Susan of The Well-Seasoned Cook. Savoring the weekly gallery is highly recommended: it's a very special mid-week treat.
The photo was shot in color and then converted to black and white.
This post contains the gallery of photos submitted to the event.
Simo ho di nuovo alice mail fuori uso quindi se mi devi contattare usa l'altro indirizzo o facebook.........qui ci vedo bene una peperonata ^___^ ciauzzzzzzz
Posted by: astrofiammante | October 12, 2011 at 04:41 AM
Bellissima foto! Non ne ho ancora trovata una da convertire in bianco e nero, uffa!
Posted by: Laura | October 12, 2011 at 06:51 AM
Ciao Marta. Messaggio ricevuto. Mio marito non e' un fan dei peperoni, soprattutto se piccanti, e quindi ci vado con calma. Pero' stasera penso che ne faro' un po' al forno, semplici. Vediamo se riesco anche a fotografarli. A me fa impazzire la varieta' di forme, colori e sapori.
Ciao Laura. Anche a me non e' stato facile all'inizio, in parte perche' abbiamo gli occhi abituati al colore. Quindi ti direi: lanciati, e poi pian piano vedrai che sara' piu' facile. Per esempio: hai provato una delle foto con le tue uova?
Posted by: Simona Carini | October 12, 2011 at 10:29 AM
bellissima anche questa foto, Simona. (anche se il sedano rapa l'ho trovato favoloso)
Sono d'accordo con Laura, non è semplice. Tu pensi che venga bene invece in B&w non "dice" niente. :(
Tra altro non ho la funzione di B&w sulla mia digi e così ogni volta bisogna convertire.
Basta lamentele, Lauraaaaa buttati!!!! :-DDDD
Posted by: brii | October 12, 2011 at 11:45 AM
Those peppers look real good. I like your idea of adding the pepper to your soup for a kick in flavor. Mmm! Very nice!
Posted by: Paz | October 12, 2011 at 01:00 PM
Bella fotografia! Amo il bianco e nero.
I used to photograph in black and white, develop and print the pictures myself. I still miss that time (and not only because it was in the USA).
I also miss the variety of peppers in the States, poblano pepper is one of them, or Ancho chiles. *sigh*
I searched far and low for Calabrian chili peppers in Venice, finally found them in a store that is going out of business (more and more of those old wonderful alimentari are being converted to more tourist directed shops *argh*).
Posted by: Merisi | October 13, 2011 at 02:42 AM
I am already back home.
I shall, however, travel down to Florence soon. I could make a stop in Venice.
How long are you staying?
Posted by: Merisi | October 13, 2011 at 02:44 AM
Look forward to see the dip you have made.
Posted by: Ivy | October 13, 2011 at 11:05 AM
All shiny and sensuous. I'm so glad I didn't let an early prejudice against green bell peppers influence me for life. Look at what I would be missing. Poblanos, though not incendiary, have a mellow and distinctive flavor that I truly enjoy. Thanks, Simona, for another delightful BWW image.
Posted by: Susan | October 21, 2011 at 09:55 PM
Ciao Brii. Certamente non e' facile e sono d'accordo con te che una bella foto a colori non e' detto che poi sia ancora bella quando viene trasformate in b/n. In queste settimane, a forza di tentativi, sto cominciando a capire un pochino. Occorre provare, buttarsi ;)
Thanks, Paz.
Ciao Merisi. At the Rialto market earlier this week, they were selling chili peppers, though I don't know whether they are from Calabria. Interestingly enough, there were a couple of alimentari close to the place where I stayed this time: I was pleasantly surprised.
Ciao Ivy. The dip's recipe is in a post from last year. It is still one of my favorite dishes to offer as appetizer or bring to a dinner, provided I have the right peppers.
Ciao Susan. I agree with your choice of adjective: sensuous, indeed. You are more than welcome!
Posted by: Simona Carini | October 22, 2011 at 10:35 AM