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October 30, 2011


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Alicia (Foodycat)

It looks delicious! Cheese and pears is one of those magical combinations.


Non ho mai provato a fare il formaggio ma mi fai venir voglia di sperimentare!!! Grazie! Simo


You are so talented Simona!

Simona Carini

Totally true, Alicia, and I like finding new variations on the theme.

Ciao Simona. Fare il formaggio da' molta soddisfazione. Ci sono un paio di libri sul tema in italiano e informazione su internet. Fammi sapere se vuoi qualche informazione e sara' mio piacere provare a fornirtela.

Thanks, Val. I am still a mere executor of instructions. One day maybe I'll come up with some idea for a cheese, but for now I am content with following expert instructions.


I always get so excited when I see you make something new! Oh, I wish I could make some cheese as well!

Simona Carini

Ciao Ivy. This is quite straightforward to make, though I am not sure if you can find any culture in Greece or cultured buttermilk. I am very pleased with the result and I will soon share a couple of dishes I made using it.

Lori Lynn

The texture is fabulous. Bet it tastes pretty awesome too.

Simona Carini

Hi Lori Lynn. Yes, this is a very nice cheese, both when it is fresh and after it has aged a bit.

Ivo Almondo

Very interesting article.

We come from a region called Roero Land, well know for wine and hearty food, and where the robiola typically comes. Since 1920 we prepare our food with competence and passion, and now we just started our venture on the web, but we soon have published your post in our best links, I hope you don't mind.

Simona Carini

Buon giorno, Ivo and thanks for the comment. I certanly don't mind, on the contrary. You come from a land of really great food.

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