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October 16, 2011


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It does look delicious Simona!


E' bellissimo "andare di pane in pane" e leggere le proposte dei vari blog ....
Ma in quanti modi si può preparare? E' una scoperta stupefacente :D


I've never heard of this bread before. It looks too tempting to be safe to cook, but on the other hand, World Bread Day must be celebrated somehow..


evviva il pane, specie quando sono delle pagnottine così invitanti, ciauzzzzzz


The combination of poppy seeds and onion sounds really interesting! I use a lot of poppy seeds when I bake but it's always acompanied by something sweet. I've never tried "savoury" poppy seeds in fact. Anyway, your bread is perfect (as always) and the photo as well!


i missed world bread day. the bialys looks delicious.

Simona Carini

Thanks, Val.

Ciao Lenny: mi piace la tua espressione "andare di pane in pane."

Ciao Caffettiera. It is extremely tempting, and that is why I halved the quantities and I also froze two of the bialys for later. It's called prevention.

Ciao Marta. Assolutamente consigliate.

Ciao Catalina. It was a first for me as well and a pleasant surprise. Thanks for your kind words.

Thanks, Paz.

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