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September 11, 2011


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Non si può e non si deve dimenticare.....
Buonissime le tagliatelle! baciussss

Alicia (Foodycat)

This is so interesting! Borage turns up a lot in very old English recipes, particularly the flowers. Apparently mixed with cream cheese they are a lovely tea sandwich filling!


I'm growing borage in the garden (accidentally I must add as its self-seeded) I do love the flowers and the young cucumber flavoured leaves. I will have to try your pasta one day, its a fab way of using borage leaves.


un disastro che rimarrà nella nostra memoria in modo indelebile e che ancora ora rivedere nelle immagini è un pugno allo stomaco
questa pasta al burro e parmigiano mi piacerebbe sicuramente, sulla borragine invece sono ignorante..... a meno che non la conosca di vista senza il nome.......adesso vado a vedere su wiki, ciauzzzzzzzzzz


i love how the pasta looks beautifully green. delicious!


Che meraviglia1 come vorrei farle ma la borragine ogni anno in terrazza mi muore... grrr!!! cmq mi segno l'idea! :) si sa mai ;)


ma sai che non ho mai mangiato la borragine? mi hai incuriosito... chissà se la trovo dalle mie parti. Chiederò e copierò la tua ricetta.


Borragine grows abundant in my parent's garden. It is lovely in a simple soup with some potatoes. or mixed with ricotta and used as a filling, they way you would use spinach. It is one of my favourite greens, but not easy to find unless you grow it yourself. I've never made tagliatelle with borragine in the dough - I will try when I get to my parent's next time.


Such pretty mottled ribbons of pasta. My mom grew borrage one year, and the aphids went on a binge all summer. I am fascinated by your mom's recipe to stuff and fry the leaves. Such a quintessentially, creatively Italian culinary treat.

Thank you, Simona, for your kind words of remembrance prefacing this post. They were like rosemary. : )

Simona Carini

Grazie, Ale.

Ciao Alicia. Your suggestion sounds very interesting: I will certainly give it a try.

Hi Shaheen. I have seen a recipe for borage soup, but it uses a lot of leaves. I like the self-seeding part: it's always a surprise when the next plant will appear.

Ciao Marta. Fammi sapere se scopri di conoscerla.

Ciao Paz. I love the color too.

Ciao Terry. Mi piacerebbe essere un po' piu' esperta in materia per porterti dare qualche consiglio, ma davvero non so come potresti rendere l'ambiente piu' adatto alla borragine. Posso dirti che la mia non ha bisogno di molto sole o acqua. Spero che riuscirai a trovare la formula giusta per la tua borragine.

Ciao Aitina. Io sinceramente nei negozi non l'ho mai vista, pero' magari dipende dalla zona. Non credo che venga coltivata, ma semplicemente raccolta dove cresce spontanea. Ha un sapore particolare: spero che riuscirai a provarla.

Ciao Caffettiera. I have seen a recipe for borage soup, but it calls for a lot of leaves, so I have not been able to make it so far, but I am hoping I will, since I am very curious. I also like the idea of using it with ricotta as filling: thanks!

Ciao Susan. I am glad I didn't have problems with aphids. On the other hand, the bees love the little purple blue flowers. Both my mother and my aunt foraged for special greens and of course mushrooms. I wish I had been more interested in culinary matters when I could have learned to recognize those gems that cannot otherwise be obtained. You are welcome :)


I love these tagliatelle. Great recipe and great thought, I agree absolutly with you!

Simona Carini


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