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September 14, 2011


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Mi manca la ricotta buona. La faccio a volte con il latticello e il latte, viene decente.


Lovely, lovely, lovely!

Alicia (Foodycat)

Fresh ricotta - how utterly divine! I've never made cheese in a large enough quantity to get a really good batch of ricotta from the whey, but the little tastes I have had have been heavenly.


I just went to that link on how to make ricotta - it seems fairly easy - in India many make their own paneer at home (even though I buy it at the store) and the process is very similar and simple.

I have a question, though - won't the milk boil over unless you heat it on 'simmer' mode (on the lowest flame)?

Simona Carini

Ciao Laura. Anche a me, tantissimo. E' una delle ragioni che mi ha portato a fare il formaggio a casa.

Thanks, Paz.

Ciao Alicia. As you can see, my curds occupy only a small portion of the basket. I am tempted to make cheese with 3 or 4 gallons of milk, but my press cannot handle that quantity of curds and I also need a bigger pot. True ricotta is food of the gods (words of an Italian poet: I should write them in full in a post) and once you taste it, you cannot forget.

Hi Sra. I have never had problems with whey boiling over the pot when I make ricotta. I have made chenna, whose process is similar to paneer and have not had problems either. You must supervise the milk and stir often otherwise it scorches. Making chenna was actually fun and I recommend it.


I wish I had some whey on hand right now :) I love ricotta, but I've never tried making it by myself. I really like the one they sell in the shop, but I can imagine that homemade ricotta tastes so much better! The photo makes me want to go and grab a huge spoon of this delicious cheese :)


useful looking cheese
nice to meet you

Simona Carini

Ciao Catalina. When I was in Italy, I never thought about making cheese or ricotta. You can easily find excellent, fresh ricotta in the store. Moving to California has given me an even greater appreciation for Italian ricotta. It is indeed very tempting to eat it right away. The ricotta in the photo went into the making of a special dish that I am planning to describe in an upcoming post.

Thank you, Akheela.


You continue to impress with your cheese-making skills. The ricotta looks perfect!


I can't wait until you get here!!!
We will do a lot of.....talking!!!
About cheese, ricotta and many many other things!!

Simona Carini

Thank you, Lynne.

I hope to be able to visit, Brii, and I am looking forward to it :)


Wow. Just one amazing cheese recipe and BWW shot after the next. I believe you, Simona: priceless. Thanks!

Simona Carini

You are welcome, Susan. I am glad you like the photo.

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