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August 21, 2011


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May I steal those precious looking little yellow pomodori?

I discovered only today that I can have my very own CSA box delivered here.
I am ordering tonight!


Mai sentiro il shiso!! Spero di riuscire a trovarlo anch'io... bell'insalata! Un abbraccio e buonissima serata


I have never seen the blush tomatoes...or the Britton! I need to get on that...and fast. This looks amazing. Thanks for participating in WHB!


Che strani quei pomodori :)

Alicia (foodycat)

I think my first ear of corn is ripe soon - so I will get to try some delicious ways with it! This looks great.


Those tomatoes are gorgeous!!


Very, very nice variation. I love the idea of the blush tomatoes. Love their name. ;-)

Simona Carini

Ciao Merisi. They look adorable, don't they? I am so glad you have found a CSA you can subscribe to. I hope it will be a good experience.

Ciao Marifra. Fammi sapere se lo trovi in Italia. Grazie!

You are welcome, Chris.

Ciao Baol. Ma sono buoni :)

Hurrah for the first ear of corn, Alicia. That's exciting!

Ciao Val. I am glad you like them too.

Me too, Paz. And the young man who helped me made a point of telling me before I asked: I think he likes the name too.


Oh, Simona, that is one stunning roasted corn salad. There is nothing better than fresh herbs and vegetables, especially homegrown. Love that you used shiso, and your explanation of it. I can never quite explain it to people who have never tried it, but now I can. Also, those blush tomatoes are phenomenal! This salad is on my 'before the end of summer' to make 'list' :)


I have tried to start shiso, but the seeds never took. Maybe in another medium or directly in the ground, since I've been wanting to try it. Your salad sounds and looks delicious.


eh ma quante novità in questo post, pomodorini gialli striati, foglie bicolori dalle proprietà benefiche, ma così ti fai anche invidiare!!! ^ __ ^ se vieni in italia ti ordiniamo i sementi ;-)) tutto bene ? bacio.


Pineapple flavoured tomatoes - I wonder if they will ever appear in Europe.

Simona Carini

Thank you so much Lisa! I will let the farmers know about the rave reviews the Blush tomatoes got ;) Shiso has such an interesting smell and flavor, indeed it is not easy to explain. I hope you gave this salad a try.

Thanks, Claudia. I got a seedling: with my non-existent gardening skills, starting from seed would most probably not end well (though I recently planted a couple of things from seeds and they seem to be doing ok).

Ciao Marta e ben tornata. Tu vai a fare un giro in quel del Canada e qui succedono cose curiose ;)

Ciao Caffettiera. I hope so, they are so nice.


Vedo che lo shiso è già pronto da raccogliere! Devo proprio riprovarci l'anno prossimo. Anche io ho coltivato i cetrioli lemon, sono veramente graziosi.

Simona Carini

Ciao Graziana. Si': lo shiso si e' trovato davvero bene nel mio orticello e ora e' una bella piantina con tante foglie. Anche io trovo il cetriolo limone molto carino.

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