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August 28, 2011


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Lori Lynn

The folks over in Cantalupo sound like savvy marketeers.
Salad looks lovely, i like that you didn't add oil.


se continui così ti saluto solo per mail.....non è possibile ....ora anche il cetriolo limone, ma tutte queste belle verdure solo in california si trovano ? @ ___ @


I love the addition of the cantaloup. Yum!


Such a refreshing salad!!

Alicia (Foodycat)

I've never seen a lemon cucumber before! That looks like such a refreshing summer salad.


This looks beautiful, I love the geographic outline and detail for your post.

Simona Carini

Indeed, they do, Lori Lynn. Thanks!

Cara Marta, vedi cosa ti sei persa andando in vacanza nel profondo nordest? E ancora non ho finito con le meraviglie ortofrutticole locali ;)

Ciao Paz. This is the time to eat those nice melons.

Indeed it is, Val.

Ciao Alicia. They are totally cute and very nice. I also think they are nicer than regular cucumber to grow.

Thanks, Rinku!

Johanna GGG

What an interesting post - I have never thought about the origins of cantaloupe because I hated it as a child - I am more open to melons these days - in australia I think we also call it rock melon - love it in this salad


Indeed, the name is quite a mystery! I never used to call it cantaloupe or cantalupo when I was a child, to me it was only melone - I found out the name when I moved abroad. In Calabria the most common variety is the yellow one with white flesh, which actually tastes quite different - it was a shock to me that for some Italians, melone was not what I thought it was.


A perfectly ripe (and tasty) melon can be hard to find, so lucky you! And I always thought that the Pope's summer residence was in the Colli Albani, Castel Gandolfo, to be exact, no?

Simona Carini

Ciao Johanna. Yes, that is another name for cantaloupe. I think melon is not an easy fruit, because when it's not good, it is really distasteful and, if not ripened properly, the texture is unpleasant. I am working on a recipe for a dessert with melon that may be appealing to people that don't have a great relationship with it.

Same for me Caffettiera. Actually, when I visited Calabria as a teenager, I heard it called melone di pane, while watermelon was called melone d'acqua. I remember also signs with the words. I wonder if they are still used.

Ciao Frank. Yes, the current summer residence of the Pope is indeed at Castel Gandolfo, a nice place to vacation.

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