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August 18, 2011


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Yum! I love the idea of the roasted corn with all the other ingredients.

Jeremy Parzen

I remember when I first moved to Italy I thought that polenta belonged to haute cuisine (at least in Los Angeles it did). And then when I made friends outside of my university circles in Padua, I found that they would refuse to eat polenta because their parents had only corn meal to eat in tougher times... and when we put corn kernels into salads, the older folks would laugh and say, "that's food for the chickens!"

The salad looks SO delicious... Tracie P bought me some fresh corn to eat tonight... one of my favorites... now we just need hearts of palm!

Great recipe! :)

Simona Carini

Ciao Paz. The combination works really well. In fact, I am making this salad again for dinner.

Grazie, Jeremy. Exactly, "food for the chickens." My mother got from her wartime childhood a hatred for polenta with milk. The salad turned out really tasty and in fact I am making more. Roasting the corn brings out the flavor.


This combination of ingredients sounds wonderful! I've marked this recipe to try sometime before the sweetcorn harvest is over for the year.

Lori Lynn

Love the pairing of corn with hearts of palm. Brilliant.

Deb in Hawaii

I love roasted corn and I love all of the ingredients you have it partnered with here. A perfect summer salad--thanks for sharing it with Souper Sundays this week. ;-)

Simona Carini

Grazie Cara & Steafano. I hope you give the salad a try.

Ciao Lori Lynn. It is indeed a nice one.

Thanks for your kind words, Deb. It's always a pleasure to contribute to Souper Sundays :)


I used to steal leftover corn ears from the fields whenever we went for a day trip to the countryside in Piemonte, more or less on this season (actually, a bit later). We ate them roasted with just butter and salt, we never made salads. I loved it. In many parts of Southern Italy corn is actually considered just animal food - I never understood why, when it is fresh it is delicious!

Simona Carini

Ciao Caffettiera. Isn't it interesting that in Italy, the country of polenta, there is no tradition of eating fresh corn? I wonder if there is a reason or is just an accident of history.

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